Other than myself, I only know Reid Stott of PhotoDude who lives in Atlanta. If you have a blog and live in the Atlanta area, please leave a comment or drop me an email.
Year: 2002
A Decent Article on Islam
Al-Muhajabah, whose blog veiled4Allah is on my blogroll, has an interesting article titled “A Field Guide to Islamic Activists”. It gives some of the background on the basic philosophies of Sunni Islam: the historic four madhabs (Hanafi, Shaafi, Maliki, Hanbali); Wahabism; modern trends; and militant ideology of Osama Bin Laden. Here is her conclusion: The… Continue reading A Decent Article on Islam
Lott Again
So Lott has finally apologized: “A poor choice of words conveyed to some the impression that I embraced the discarded policies of the past,” Lott said. “Nothing could be further from the truth, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by my statement.” But is this apology lame or what? Discarded policies? What about… Continue reading Lott Again
Smoking or Sex
According to a survey in Europe, Nearly 80 percent of British smokers, almost 70 percent in the Netherlands, France and Germany and more than 55 percent in Belgium and Spain would forgo sex rather than live without cigarettes for a month. Are these people crazy?
Wahabis/Salafis Again
My initial post regarding the Wahabis touched very briefly on the topic. I have been thinking of blogging more on Wahabis as well as the different sects/schools of thought in Islam specifically as found in Pakistan. However, it is a tough task and work has interfered (this being the end of the semester and all.)… Continue reading Wahabis/Salafis Again
Some Hope(?) in the Holy Land
According to a November poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in the West Bank and Gaza: The poll shows that a significant shift has occurred in Palestinian public attitudes regarding the intifada and the peace process. It shows a majority of 54% supporting the “road map” and 42% oppose it.… Continue reading Some Hope(?) in the Holy Land
PhotoDude Gets It
PhotoDude has a great blog where he discuss politics and posts his photographs as well. He’s on my blogroll mainly because of the images, but his recent post about clearly differentiating between the extremist murderers of the Al-Qaeda variety and the general Muslim population is very good: And we need to make that disctinction clearly… Continue reading PhotoDude Gets It
Amazon’s Clothes-Wearing Clean Underwear Buying Customers
What’s up with that?
A Moderate Voice of Islam
Here is King Abdullah II of Jordan in the Washington Post: Our religion calls us to live and work for justice and to promote tolerance. Daily, we share God’s blessing: Salaam Aleikum — “Peace be upon you.” This is the true voice of Islam, but it is not the voice that Americans always hear. Instead,… Continue reading A Moderate Voice of Islam
Tribalism and Conservatism
Unqualified Offerings talks about how US intervention looks from a foreigner’s perspective: Do not mistake Unqualified Offerings’ point here. UO is not saying Mr. Nawfal is right and we’re terrible people. Unqualified Offerings is saying that what matters is that Mr. Nawfal thinks he’s right and we’re terrible people. The fact that we launched our… Continue reading Tribalism and Conservatism