Muslim Population

Tom Friedman in an anti-France op-ed in the New York Times argued to replace France with India in the UN Security Council:

Because India is the world’s biggest democracy, the world’s largest Hindu nation and the world’s second-largest Muslim nation, and, quite frankly, India is just so much more serious than France these days.

Now I know it’s popular to bash France in the US and all, but this is not what this post is about. Like a lot of other people in the media, Friedman is a little behind in terms of population data. India is not the “world’s second-largest Muslim nation” nowadays. It used to be for most part from 1972-early 1990s (I think, but any actual data is welcome). Here is the population data for the countries with large Muslim populations from the CIA World Factbook.

Country Population Percentage of Muslims Muslim Population
Indonesia 231,328,092 88.0% 203,568,721
Pakistan 147,663,429 97.0% 143,233,526
India 1,045,845,226 12.0% 125,501,427
Bangladesh 133,376,684 83.0% 110,702,648
Turkey 67,308,928 99.8% 67,174,310
Egypt 70,712,345 94.0% 66,469,604
Iran 66,622,704 99.0% 65,956,477
Nigeria 129,934,911 50.0% 64,967,456
Ehtiopia 67,673,031 47.5% 32,144,690
Morocco 31,167,783 98.7% 30,762,602

UPDATE: Thanks to CalPundit for the link.

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. I had answered your question of sexy houris…but that couldnt be posted because of an internal server error…Well I will repost it…

  2. Joel and the likes….
    Nice way to hide the falsity in your religion.But deal all..just use this material to propose the Hindu hardliners to scroll down from their positions in India…they were also supposedly following your Vedic philosophy….and tell thim not to arise the Satanic “chit shakti” in their blind and misled followers so that Muslims in different parts of India can live in peace and not face the pogroms as in Gujarat….

    And if you correctly note the position of Jews throughout their history of existence then you will note that they are under a wrath of Allah.Allah says in the Quran that the Jews have failed in their promise of worship and as such they will never be allowed to live in the Promised Land in peace which Allah had bestowed upon them after saving them from Pharaoh.

    Hence throughout history we see that Jews were repeatedly displaced from Jerusalem at the hands of the Byzantium,Roman empires,then by the Muslims and again by the crusaders of Europe and still today when they have established their Jewish state ..they have no peace.When they were slaugtered by Hitler,they rose to the heights in commerce in Europe.Again they are reaching similar heights in Israel but then again their curse will follow them wherever they go.
    And dont think Israel is surviving on its own..the bunker bursting bombs and its missiles and the naval warship designs and its nuclear facilities are all a product of American support,help and nourishment.The day we have an anti Semitic governbment their in the USA..this so called Israel will fall as a pack of cards.Just claiming two victories in 1948 and 1967 they think that they have won over history.But 1973 war showed that their army can be defeated too…and so the Sinai Region went back to the Egyptians.And the present war shows that a disciplined contingent of 1200 Hezbollah fighters are able to hold off entire contingents of the Israeli army numbering no less than 30000.Come on guys wake up..with a nuclear Pakistan and an almost nuclear Iran and in the decades to come we will Inshallah have many nuclear armed Islamic countries to reckon with
    …these will discourage the enemies of Islam from interfering with its matters.And conventional forces will no longer be able to save America’s puppet in Israel.Its days are numbered.And Hindus here in India dont rejoice..The rise of Muslims is a near future…dont forget that communities lagging behind in history have come out as superpowers repeatedly

    *All those kicked out of Europe went on to establish the Americas which saved them from Hitler’s conquestial designs.

    *The Jews were slaughtered ..the greatest slaughter to be faced by any community…6 million of them…heralded back as the same powerful traitor as had been Hitler

    *Indians reeling under the most brutal and oppressive regime of 200 years of British rule stood back on its feet to become a nuclear power.

    Hundreds of such examples can be recounted as such…you are fools to reckon only the present.The present backwardness of Muslims is just a prelude to the new revolution among them which will have an impact here in India and elsewhere in the world.And we have still not forgotten the 700 years rule of India by Islam…55 years under sqabbling corrupted polititians and a dead democracy you take pride in..these are not enough to disprove the fact that Hindus have a slave like mentality which had been exposed again and again in history and is being considerably exposed even as we talk about Vedas in this forum…just use your bullshit to convince the masses of your people to try living a dignified life under the present system of your society…..

  3. You rejoice at the anarchy in Muslim countries due to internal revolutions…but you fail to understand that Muslims have an inherent nature of resisting corruption and not living with it as their faith Islam orders them to shun all types of corruption and fight against it.
    But you and your coward lot wil not understand this…you are happy to live under corrupt politicians,exploitative police,gunda raaj and the religious leadership of those corrupt Swamis who end up in Jails!Your corruption evrywhere is so rampant that every film released in India has this as their central theme..and they are a huge success too. But I think Joel will protest saying that Hindus are “tolerant” so they prefer not to wake up to such grave self destructive situations…bloody cowardice is what you all have in your veins.You can just slay unarmed women and children as in Gujarat,that too with state political and police support,try doing it on your own guts if you have the courage.I presume that they too had learnt the Vedas and “enlightened” themselves on how to perform mass murders and how to rape women and throw children into fire.

  4. Exactly……!!
    This is the way that Muslims are held in India..terrorists.Even though they are at the receiving end of the Police and Administration.And if you dare to protest against these injustices then you are branded as A SIMI or ISI agent and put behind the bars.And the “proofs” all come out in the court against them and they are thrown into jails.

    Friends….Now you all must have understood that Joel is a part of a much bigger conspiracy against Indian Muslims by the parent organization Sangh Parivaar.No doubt he speaks in RSS terms and propunds the Shiv Sena ideology that Muslims should be all thrown into the Arabian Sea.He indirectly hints at it by asking me to shift to Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.But know it Joel…we Muslims have a birth right to this country..our forefathers have given their blood for its independence and our Kings have united it…so your nationalism comes much much later than ours.

    Asif Zarq

  5. Well what is it that keeps you asking about the vital statistics of the houris?Islam is not a religion of sexual perverts nor is it of any likes of Kama sutra…Doesnt Sexy Lakshnmi or sexy Parvati gratifies your lust?


    Again and again the likes of Joel try to equate technical progress with social progress…they see to assume a linear relationship between the two factors.Whereas technical progress is to a large extent responsible for social progress,however its not the be end and be all.You might have the technology to produce tonnes of clothing material within minutes yet end up wandering naked on the streets.We as MBA’s have been always dealing with the best distribution of resources..and I as a manager encounter many of such tech guys who are always coming up with erroneous marketing and production decisions.No doubt you are same as them.

    And with all their rocket science and their MITs they havent been able to stall the likes of Katrinas.I doubt if the next Katrina strikes the Massachusettes…turning its scientists into cannibals as the last Katrina did.
    The USA also has one of the highest rates of rape in any country in the world. According to a FBI report, in the year 1990, every day on an average 1756 cases of rape were committed in U.S.A alone. Later another report said that on an average everyday 1900 cases of rapes are committed in USA. The year was not mentioned. May be it was 1992 or 1993. May be the Americans got ‘bolder’ in the following years.So if your IIT friends are right now in the USA ask them to be careful about their wives and sisters who might get raped any moment….
    So my dear get to your senses….
    And a last word for Zack too…Zack..your name is very similar to mine..which is Zarq..and I believe that we are brothers in Islam..I dont know whether you believe the same or not…Yet from this point of view I ask you not to propagate and publish any blasphemous posts against Islam…..since it is a sin to allow such blasphemy to be propagated within your means.The hadith of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam) says that you should try to stop a sin and an unjust oppressive action by any of the three means according to your means….i)By hand…which means forcefully..ii)By mouth…That is by vocally advocating against it…and even if this is not possible due to fear of repercussions then take the third option iii)Feel bad at heart about it and resolve never to indulge in that kind of act..
    Clearly Zack you have the means to stop it by hand which is prohibiting the publication of such inflamatory,bigoted and racial posts.So do it.Else you stand in clear violation of the above mentioned Hadith and dont try to take the false pretext of secularism..its already proved in the current world situation that secularism doesnt exist..
    Asif alZarq

  7. Any further discussion with Mr. Asif Zarq is not required any more.

    These are the extremist elements of ISLAAM who want to convert the whole world to their narrow minded and skewed beliefs.

    He has no idea about the BHRAMA SUTRA, or the KAMA Sutra or what they mean.His comments about MOTHER GODDESS Laxmi, Parvati, and KALI, and Hanumanji are blasphemy at its worst.

    Dear Asif, As you sow so shall you reap!!!

    All he has is a distorted vision of the world and how they will be “peaceful” by cutting people’s throats and blowing themseves up in the name of ALLAH.

    His belief that there is no secularity in the world is complete and utter nonsense. His indoctrination of HATE has reached beyond reasonable limits and decent discussion.

    I will pray for his enlightenment.

    AND Mr. Zack, I do not belong to any group, I am just a GOD LOVING Human being and BHRAMA, VISHNU, SHIVA, JESUS CHRIST, ALLAH, And every other GOD and person or life, animate and inanimate is a manifestation of the SUPREME UNIVARSAL DIVINE ENERGY.

    There is nothing more to say…….or write….

  8. Assalam wa Alaikum

    Hi,all of you.

    Hey friends——-its indeed sorrowful to see these events in this forum develop as they have developed.I had just wanted some information on the Muslim population of India…yet i have got “much more” than I had wanted for.

    Well—Premajit———the comments of Asif may have been blasphemous but if you had really not been the part of any group then you would have criticized Joel as well——for writing equally blasphemous comments on Islam and its beliefs.
    Yet you have chosen to write against Asif only———Does that not make you part of Joel’s group?

    And previously in other posts you have also copied down all of Joel’s effort of showing Islam and Quran in a poor light,in your comments.

    Infact just in his concluding post Joel had admitted that you do not form part of his clones(atleast in thinking,if not in real) and here you also say the same thing——-Is it meant in some way to reinforce what Joel says?

    STOP LYING PREMAJIT!!!you are just another fictitious clone of Joel—-Now accept that and make your disgraceful exit from this forum.

    And well——about the alleged blasphemy———We all know that the mere mention of KamaSutra invokes an urge down the guts in the ordinary Indian——-and the films on them are all XXX-rated.
    Please tell these producers in the Bollywood what is the “real” message in KamaSutra so that they can depict it rightly in their films and we,ordinary Indians can have the “correct” information propagated to us.

    And about Goddess Lakhsmi and Parvati..well I must admit whenever I have glimpsed of any temple having these deities …they were made to wear certain clothes that do reveal their deep navels and their 36-24-36 statistics…

    But dont worry,I wont appeal for these deities to be covered in Burkha which Asif would have surely called for.I would simply state that “THOSE WHO LIVE IN HOUSES MADE OF GLASS SHOULD NOT THROW STONES AT OTHERS”.

    Well——-Asif—-bravo brother,keep it up!You have indeed defended Islam in a manner which most Muslim commentators have failed in this forum(including me).You have,no doubt,come up with fitting replies and frustrated the Enemies of Islam and exploded the hollows of the allegations against Islam!You have indeed risen up to the “crises” when Yashendra challenged the Muslims to come up with fitting replies…

    Thanks for doing what I would have wanted to do—-but failed to do,like most other Muslims.Alas!

    Keep it going Asif-We need more people like you who are willing to spend precious time just for the sake of defending the honour of Islam instead of wasting it elsewhere and sitting by silently and watch Islam bashing.


    Allah Hafiz,

  9. And from this point on——all my posts will also be in your name Asif Zarq.You have become an icon here as the single person to defend against a host of enemies to Islam.And atleast a Hero to me——Bye


  10. The question is:

    India, since the past 2 decades has changed immensely. In view of the fast changing demographic, social, cultural and religious patterns in India together with an upswing in our economic, scientific and military might, how should we view the issue of reservation of seats in professional institutions? With a rising Muslim, Dalit and Christian population, should India bow to obscurantist and vested interests and permit its implementation? What happens to merit? Next, will there be a demand for separate electoral constituencies (on the basis of religious representation as a marked demographic shift in favour of the minorities takes place over, say, the next 30 years)?



  11. Brother Arsalan….

    I thank you for your encouragement..But please dont post in my name…since it may arise confusion…As it is my objectives are well-satisfied in this forum and I may never return.

    The reason being there are countless other forums where people freely enjoy saying whatever they like about Islam..and in my limited capacity I will counter them…

    But there are lot of lessons to be learnt for the Muslims from this small discussion and debate that concluded more or less in these few days..

    We should go back to the Hadith of the Beloved Prophet(saws)…”Seek for Science,Even in China”
    And Inshallah world class facilities,which the agents of Kufr boast of,will be again ours as it had been in the past.And the only difference between them and us will be that the value derived from these technologies will be evenly distributed among all…not limited to a particular elite section…as it is now.

    Someone had rightly pointed out that if you want to know your weaknesses…ask your opponent…So also Joel and his folk have at least done some good(his intentions are different though)in pointing out where we have the mistakes to deal with…Hope,as Arsalan points out,we Muslims learn the lesson fast…

    And Premajit…even I dont have to say anything more to lunatics like you..throughout the discussions you have stuck to your demand that the existence of Allah must be proved as also Jibrael….and NOW I DEMAND YOU TO PROVE THE EXISTENCE OF KALI,PARVATI AND LAKSHMI…of course they exist..but as sex dolls for pervert pundits in their dens of lust known as temples.

    Of a surety you cannot prove their existence as Goddess and that itself is a testimony to your hollow comments….
    It is a known fact that the biggest Religion-endorsed prostitution centre is at Kashi.It was exposed to all the Indian public in the film “Water” which was subsequently banned to conceal the truth about what happens in the name of religion to the young widowed girls in Hinduism.But Joel and Company Limited(indeed their days are limited)you may atleast heave a sigh of relief that atleast Sati has been banned.Else your job of projecting falsehood as religion would have increased manifold.Islam doesnt degrade it women and it is clearly proved when compared to the sorrow state of affairs in other religions when women are concerned.

    P.S:Joel I doubt your information that Saudi Arabia is home to the largest number of homosexuals.Is this really the report in the Times of India or conjured up in your mind??In Saudi Arabia being a gay is a crime and carries capital punishment.So I doubt if the gays of Saudi Arabia would ever acknowledge that they are so…Any survey on this matter is impossible(and dont talk about the bogus net surveys which anyone can influence.e.g.There is a site which clearly states that its objective is to make opinion polls and survey results cater to the Jewish thinking…such bogus voting is abundant.).So in the absence of any concrete survey how could Times of India declare suh results…it must be the handi work of an equally bigoted RSS cadre as you,who have led to such false reports.And well back home…Gays have come to hold a lot more “clout” in India…We had a gay procession three months back here in was a big procession and I was awe stuck that Indians could have degraded themselves to such low levels….

    Bye all,
    Muhammad Asif al Zarq

  12. Well….in my view…there should be no reservations in the name of religion and caste..

    But anyway thats not the issue with Muslims and Christians at the present…its the issue with the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled has been 55 years that under merited students have made it to the IITs and almost every other institutions having the hallmark of the Indian Government.This doctrine of reservation seems to me to be parasitic.There is a certain myth among Muslims that you cannot get good jobs and into good tech colleges or management colleges in India since most of these are run by Hindu majority administration.But I as a Muslim and with such fundamentalistic attitude really did not face any great problem from any quarter whatsoever….I remember being at loggerheads with my Finance teacher at my MBA college but then it did not alter my practical results..nor did he give a real try to “bog me down”.Of course racialism do exist against Muslims but then go back to the Quranic verse where Allah says

    “Ask me through patience and Namaz(prayers)”

    Remember…its Allah who will give us …not any administrative guy…and Allah is not biased against Muslims…if you are not getting the fruits its just that you did not plant the right seed..Work hard and hard and ask only from Allah..and then see if He gives you or not.

    And reservations may temporarily better your situation but in the long run it will be a hindrance to the flowering of merit.And it will also lead to the development of parasites.

    The punchline is that stop begging and start claiming on the basis of merit

    “Khud hi ko kar buland itna…ki har takdir se pehle…Khuda khud poochhe bande se..Bata teri raza hai kya”

    Asif Zarq

  13. Asif has gone berserk going by his frenzied replies liberally peppered with the naive quotations taken from Quran. As if to say that a certain thing is true just because a book says so! Can what the book preaches be true in the total absence of sound reasons and solid evidence? On the other hand, it can easily be shown that book knowledge is false.

    The existence of Laxmi, Parvati, Shiva cannot be proved just as the existence of Allah, Jibril, Adam, Ibrahim, Moosa, hell, heaven and houris can not be proved ! Both sets of beliefs are fiction.

    It makes me laugh to see people fighting over fiction and myths.

    Asif and Premajit don’t fight over myths. Both of you show us the proofs first, give us rational answers about Allah, Parvati, houris, physical heavens, and the rest. As you will never be able to prove the existence of your respective gods, why fight?

    Be loving, rational, compassionate, helpful humanbeings. Leave all the fiction of Allah, Shiva and houris or rivers of milk to ignorant, blind believers.

    Your friend,


  14. ASIF, ur ignorance is showing once again.

    When it was discovered that Saudi Arabia is home to the largest number of homosexuals, the conclusion wasn’t made by the questionable method of blind guessing or by questioning the Saudi men about their sex preferences.

    Powerful search engines accurately tracked the surfing habits of the Saudis and by using this reliable technique, it came to light that net users from Saudi Arabia kept visiting gay porn sites the most in comparison to net users from other nations.

    Not surprising when the stone phallus in the Kaaba is their religious mascot to which their prophet and the believers turn to, kiss, embrace and shed tears over!

    With lots of love,

    Yashendra, Sanjoy and the other geeks at India’s premier technology institute.

  15. Assalam wa Alaikum.. Asif…no problem..I wont post in your name…
    But its no use talking to “blind,deaf and dumb” geeks as already mentioned in the Quran.

    Allah Hafiz

  16. Arsalan wrote: “But its no use talking to “blind,deaf and dumb” geeks as already mentioned in the Quran.”

    Yes, naturally, Arsalan, it’s no use talking to us as we’re not at all convinced by your illogical religious nonsense.

    We’ve yet to get rational answers and solid proofs from the Quran and from you. Till now, we’ve only got myths, superstitions and irrational tall talk from both the Quran and you. So, what’s the use of talking with the likes of you?

    As I said in a previous post, that it amuses us to see Asif, Arsalan and Premajit slugging it out over myths. Listen you guys, neither can Asif nor can Premajit prove any of their blind beliefs. So, why argue over Allah, Jibril, Parvati, Shiva, the houris, physical hell with bushfires and so on when you can never hope to rationally explain or provide evidence about these myths? Why don’t you leave the myths of Allah, Jibril and Parvati to fools instead of ranting on like lunatics?



  17. I am the real Yashendra. I was surprised to see so many posts here in my name. Although I basically agree with what is written there, but its NOT ME who has posted there. I think it is Joel Pastakia ( this bugger’s real name is Arup Isaacs. I know him personally). Though I do not disagree with whatsoever he has written, but I strongly condemn this identity-theft. He cud hv used any other name. I request the moderator to take appropriate action. My claims are open to any scruitny. Thanks- Yashendra

  18. Real Yashendra again. The more I read the posts the more shock I get, as my name is being used since more than an year !! I request Mr. Arup Isaacs ( alias Joel Pastakia) to refrain from this cyber-crime. I have clinching evidence that he has done this. And my identity can be proved by my IP address which is owned by me. I use my personal computer….. Mr. Isaacs is known to me personally and I have his e-mails to me (also using the alias Joel Pastakia identity). He can keep posting whatever he wants, no problem. But I again make a clear statement that I have seen this website 1st time today only and I have never posted anything before. I can provide my identity to anyone who wants. Thanks again- Yashendra Prasad(Real)

  19. Real(?) Yashendra,

    You may be known to Joel as he may have had dealings with you in the past. Are you a RSS clone? You agree with what Joel, Sanjoy, Prabha and me have said on this forum to which the ISI agents or SIMI chaps have no answer.

    Neither can they provethat what the Quran says is true nor can they give convincing answers to any of the questions. On the contrary, the claims of the Quran can be shown false or copied from other sources. The present version of the Quran is evidently a distortion of the original divine book in view of the mass illogic in it. Who’s Mr Arup? Your finance agent or bed partner?

    If you agree with what we’ve being saying, why butt in? Support the mission against anti-truth agents. We can prove our identity; we are serious science chaps with a nationalistic cause in our hearts.

    Butt out from here and get on with your silly poojas, fending for your ignorant family or speaking lies. If you have not the intelligence, stamina, honesty and courage to effectively tackle these anti-national, anti-truth forces, stay away and get on with your spineless lifestyle.

    Love, Yashendra

  20. Remarks To Fanatics Of All Hues:

    Dear Fanatic,

    Of course, every bigot or fanatic believes that whatever is his has, without rational answers or the least proof, to simply be the best or the only truth.

    An extremist Hindu considers everything non-Hindu perverted, every non-Hindu is to him a “mlechha” (barbarian), but, in sharp contrast to his sublime Vedas (to which every other sacred book, science and philosophy is indebted) and heroic ancestors, he has, over generations, become so gross in nerve and mind that the Hindus rank among the most foolish, servile and cowardly community on earth.

    A fanatical Jew believes Moses was the last Prophet and that every other creed is a falsehood, when, on the contrary, Moses, going by the definition of Prophethood (“The Supreme manifestation of the Absolute Consciousness upon the earth-plane”) was just a minor mystic who’s been overly praised for ordinary supra physical and physical achievements. The bigoted Jew knows nothing of his ancestral homeland though certain historical records indicate that the Jews were originally from Kashmir. Besides, there exists not an iota of concrete archaeological, numismatic, epigraphic or genetic proof to corroborate the historicity of his forefathers like Abraham, Noah, Job, Moses, Daniel and Enoch among other mythical personages. Did they exist?

    A rabid Christian considers all other religions and their books “fairy tales” fit for heathens and is immune to every attempt at correction and is convinced that Christ was the last Prophet. But, is there any hard proof to corroborate the historicity of Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Matthew, John, Peter, Paul and others? No.The ignorant Christian symbolically consumes the “flesh” and “blood” (the transubstantiation or holy communion rite) of his crucified Christ thinking that by doing so he shall be blessed but to others it appears a gross cannibalistic ritual. He has failed to comprehend the deep metaphysical meaning of the holy communion of bread and wine. He shockingly glorifies the crucifixion and venerates the murder weapon – the cross- thinking that the death of his prophet is something to be admired or has a great spiritual significance and that the biblical fairy tales of the resurrection and of his god flying up to some mythical heaven in the clouds are simply true and wonderful. He naively believes that the crucifixion of Christ has saved the whole world from sin, when, on the contrary, sin has only multiplied down the ages. His Bible, too, has been manipulated on several occasions by the Vatican Councils and there exists not a single mention in the present version of even the birthday of Christ that is ignorantly assumed to be Dec 25. He knows nothing about the substratal nature of heavens, hells, souls, angels and other supra physical entities. And, what is the mechanism underlying Virgin Birth/Immaculate Conception? All these are just words to him.Further, the rabid Christian has no clue as to the details of the crucifixion – whether the Prophet Christ actually died on the cross or not, when ample literary proofs to the contrary exist.

    A proselytizing Buddhist claims that the Prophet Buddha was the only Prophet on earth or at most the others before The Tathagatha, i.e. Buddha, were “minor” Advents and there existed no other Prophet after Buddha, which, then, obviously, excludes the post Buddha prophets Christ and the Muhammad from a fanatical Buddhist’s list.

    A Jain will announce, as if it’s a settled fact, that the saint Mahavir was a Prophet and that the Jain scriptures contain the last word on things transcendental and terrestrial – Buddha and Mahavir were contemporaries, but as there cannot exist more than one prophet at any given time, who’s the Prophet between the two? Buddha? Or Mahavir? So, the fight continues over Prophethood of whether Buddha or Mahavir was the last Prophet.

    Like fanatics of other faiths, a bigoted Muslim, too, will also boldly declare, on the basis of a mere book verse or two, that his own Prophet (Muhammed) was the last and his faith the grandest despite the fact that the “simple” moral, material, scientific and spiritual tenets of his faith are to be found in books older than his (and, ironically, as quoted from the Hadiths and written by Dr Rafique Zarkaria and explicitly stated by the poet Allama Iqbal, the Prophet Muhammad not only lauded the rich spiritual culture of India but also readily acknowledged that He borrowed freely from the religion of Sur-e-Hind or India to formulate a faith for the savage Arabs).

    Even the term used to denote God in the Quran, “Allah”, is a Vedic-Sanskrit word. Besides, the Quranic terms Eid, Makkah, Madina, Sangmey Aswad, Mam, Mim, Ra, Kaaba, Hajj, etc, are all direct lift offs from Vedic Sanskrit and so are the Hajj rituals of donning seamless clothes, circumambulation of an aniconic, black stone (Shiv Linga), significance attached to water as Zam Zam, tonsuring the head or clipping the hair, etc.

    Similarly, the Prophet Christ, who preceded Rasul, too, modified the original Sanskrit “Allah” to “Allaha” in Aramaic and to El/Eloi in Hebrew as done earlier by the old Jews.

    So, everything, even the “ultimate” – the word employed by the Semites for “God” (El/Eloi/Allaha/Allah) – can be traced to Vedic-Sanskrit!

    Even the Persian “Khuda” , German “Got” and English “God” can etymoligically be traced to the Sanskrit roots “hu” and “gota” respectively which stand for the Almighty. What an irony!

    Further, though not one of the bigoted Muslim’s book assertions can be rationally proved, he still remains defiant; he has neither any concrete proof nor a single “lower” or “higher” logical answer to the simplest of questions concerning the origin, function and teleology of the multi-planar cosmos among other fundamental queries, and though he stands atop his Kaaba to show that he holds no regard for the enclosed “black pillar”, yet he “piously” circumambulates it “7 times”, like a Hindu parikrama, and even kisses it and prostrates before it. The Prophet Muhammed is said to have hugged, kissed and wept over the phallic, black stone!

    Further, is ”monotheism”/ “tauheed” the highest truth? No. It can not be considered the highest truth or even a truth as it preaches extra-cosmic dualism – that Cause is eternally separate from the Effect -when the truth of existence on all levels and with respect to the whole is Monistic, Unitary.

    Though God is one, he is not of “extra-cosmic” origin as this would then contradict the universal laws of conservation, causality and the essential condition of an underlying unity from which everything proceeds. God or the Absolute Consciousness is of supra-cosmic origin, the source of the graded cosmos, though, in Its actual nature, It exceeds Its own graded cosmic manifestation and is hence not bound by the laws of causation, but, is rather, their source/the underlying mechanism of everything.

    The rabid Parsi thinks his books the “only revealed truths” and all others spurious or, at most, pale imitations, and is unwilling to change his beliefs under any circumstances and even refuses to admit others entry into his fire temple thinking their presence will pollute his faith and shrine. The rampant in-breeding practiced by this miniscule community has damaged it genetically beyond repair.

    A radical Sikh takes to terrorism to carve out an independent State to prove his faith is the greatest and something original, when, on the contrary, his Adi Granth, is full of references to the Prophets Ram and Krishna and contains explicit allusions to the Vedic conscient cosmic forces like Indra, Surya, Agni and others – these graded conscient cosmic entities are the operational agents of the graduated cosmos that, like the multi-planar cosmos, are the manifestations of a “supra-cosmic” conscient Godhead.

    The rabid Sikh writes any number of books/essays to prove his religious superiority, thinks that by growing a long beard and due to the 5 articles of faith he wears on his person (Kada, kangan, kesh, etc), he’s very pious and unique, better than the rest.

    The dogmatic scientist of the old classical school will not concede that “though Consciousness inheres in matter” and though “Consciousness is a mysterious non-computational quantity”, there exists supra-physical states of conscient cosmic existence and that none of the evidences indicate that Consciousness is a physical force respectively. His highest Unity, shockingly, ends and begins with “insentient” matter. What a serious paradox!

    I can go on.

    I laugh at all these mythical ideas/interpretations whether got from their forefathers or from books of the unaltered or altered kind. All these sources and beliefs can not demonstrate or prove even an atom of the truth and will remain forever confined to the realm of stories, though a fanatic will keep crying himself hoarse about his respective faith being the Truest and all the rest inferior or rubbish, without the least proof, but, conveniently, forgets that fanatics of those faiths that he thinks inferior or rubbish, too, have the same opinion about his “so-called superior faith”.

    The Real Truth and Nature care not one bit for all these stories, unsubstantiated beliefs. So, there’s really no sense in debating the point.

    Believe what you will. I have no complaint at all.

    But, as conscientious human beings, do not create a Talibanic-kind of nuisance in society by expecting all to swallow such irrational “pet theories” or “baseless beliefs”.

    Do not misunderstand me.

    I have no quarrel with anyone who wishes to pursue his “beliefs”, whatever they may be, even the most bizarre, provided it’s done without imposition on others and in a peaceful manner.

    Perhaps, a Great Global Change, due to certain indications that are soon to become manifest in the outer world, is just around the corner, let’s wait to see what really happens.…..

    Maybe, very soon the “gold will be separated from the dross”, the “Real” Truth will be made known…in the world.

    Best Regards,

    Joel P


    Hello friends,
    Well as of before I will support whatever I state with hard facts from the most reliable sources in the world….

    The population of the United States of America is 298,213,000 according to UN estimates(2005).The Kinsey Reports of 1948 found that 37% of males had some sexual experience with other men, and that 4% had always been exclusively homosexual. Among women, Kinsey found between 2% and 6% had “more or less exclusively” homosexual experience.
    In the United States during the 2004 elections, exit polls indicated 4% of all voters self-identified as gay or lesbian. However, due to societal pressures, many who are homosexual may not be willing to identify as such, as evident in the recent forced “outings” of New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevy and Spokane, Washington, Mayor Jim West.

    Now we may thus conclude that the number of proven self declared homosexuals in the USA is 11928520(assuming the official 4%,whereas its clear that this percentage is more something hovering near about 8 percent,given that Gay and lesbian organizations there claim about 12% of the population being homosexual)…Friends remember that figure since it would help you compare the facts that follow.

    Now come to Saudi Arabia……Its population according to UN estimate 2005 is 24573000.Now compare 11928520 with 24573000,the former comes to about 48.57% of the latter.Translated into simple language,this would mean that if the Saudis have to have a greater number of homosexuals than the number of homosexuals in America,then about 50% of its population should be homosexuals……is that what the survey of the Times of India wanted to say??

    No country,I repeat,no country in the whole world has half its population as homosexuals….and I think Joel will have to grudgingly accept this fact.

    Interestingly,this 4% theory is believed only by a few in the US itself….the actual percentage that most are certain of is nearing 8% of the total US adult population.And if this is true then the Times of India survey will indicate that the whole population of Saudi Arabia is homosexual!!!..And if such is the case then why do we have capital punishment for homosexuality in a country where everyone is supposed to be homosexual??

    Its for the reader to judge that all the surveys that are conducted by the “powerful search engines” do not really confirm the truth at the best………. and paint a horribly disguised and distorted picture at the worst.

    No doubt Joel,you are a victim of your senseless over reliance upon malicious surveys and “powerful search engines”…
    Lasy but not the least,most porn sites are not exclusive to homosexuals…they contain hetero sexual fantasies a much greater proportion…so its really not only difficult but also impossible for any search engine to label an user of such a porn site as whether he is interested in viewing homosexual or heterosexual content.

    Joel….or Arup..whoever you are…there are two advices for you…the first…end your propagation of bad and false ideas…..second…try using your IIT brain in a more sensible manner,you have been chosen by India’s premier institute to visualize everything in a scientific way..not to blindly rely upon anything that comes along.Before laughing at other’s “blind beliefs” and trying to “explode” them..try doing a self analysis….we in managerial cirlcles often discuss this and help the techies under us with their self analyses.Remember that science and society are for each’s development with the other lagging behind will do no good…….

    Asif alZarq

  22. Joel,
    Now give us the info about how the nuts of every faith are trying to multiply, increase their population numbers so that they can rule the world with one set of fiction…until another set of myths takes over for some time. None has succeeded till now in ruling the world with all people following one religion and never will it happen. Whether Muslims in India are 13% or 18% is anyone’s guesswork, I have my own guesses. I say it is somewhere near 16%; but what does that prove about the superiroity of Islam? Nothing does it prove. If muslims keep having 12 kids per family also it can not prove a single belief, in fact it will be a drain on economy and infrastructure and will see a big lowering of standards. No Muslim nation on earth has succeeded in becoming an advanced nation in even one positive field though they rank first in superstitions, cruelty and fanaticism. What do population figures count for when nothing healthy comes out of a single community multiplying like flies; if population of Muslims is going up, so is the number of AIDS cases, lunatics, prostitutes, robbers, failures, poor and drunkards. Everywhere one is seeing that the bad things are rapidly increasing in numbers – like the Muslim population.

    Sanjoy Parkar

  23. Hello Mr. Arup Isaacs ( alias Joel Pastakia )!

    The simple question is why have u committed this cyber-crime by stealing my name ? Do u know that when u use internet, the IP address gets noted down and becomes your digital signature ?

    I have my legal IP address in my name. If u still persist in this audacity, I will have no option but to inform the Cyber crime cell of the Mumbai Police. They will take no time in reaching Rajdoot Society.

    I hope you understand simple words. And pls do not take it lightly. Do not forget that the Mumbai police has all your sms-s of last year with them.

    You go on posting whatever u want in this forum, or elsewhere, thats not my business. But, henceforth, do not use my name.

  24. Dear All,

    Mr. Arup Isaacs alias Joel Pastakia alias whatever….. can be anything. But do not think that he is from IIT or any technical institute. He only crosses IIT-Powai’s gate by bus and might have visited its canteen !

    He lacks spine and avoids using his real name out of fear. I dont know why he is stealing my identity. Wonder why he has inferiority complex about himself and his own identity !! Well, i feel flattered that he feels good by using my name, but I have to stop it as I dont allow this. I hope he stops or the Mumbai Police will step in.





  26. Hi Friends,

    You are all so worried about Joel stealing Yashendra’s identity……..If he has its very bad but Check this out!!!!

    This takes a little time but gets one thinking.

    Real History of “Taj Mahal”

    “The Moghul Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his life Mumtaz Mahal
    built the Taj Mahal. It was built in 22 years (1631 to 1653) by 20,000
    artisans brought to India from all over the world! . Many people
    Ustad Isa of Iran designed it.” This is what your guide probably told
    you if you ever visited the Taj Mahal. This is the same story I read
    in my history book as a student.

    No one has ever challenged it except Prof. P. N. Oak, who
    believes the whole world has been duped. In his book Taj Mahal: The
    True Story, Oak says the Taj Mahal is not Queen Mumtaz’s tomb but an
    ancient Hindu temple palace of Lord Shiva (then known as Tejo
    Mahalaya). In the course of his research Oak discovered that the Shiva
    temple palace was usurped by Shah Jahan from then Maharaja of Jaipur,
    Jai Singh. In his own court chronicle, Badshahnama,Shah Jahan admits
    that an exceptionally beautiful grand mansion in Agra was taken from
    Jai SIngh for Mumtaz’s burial. The ex-Maharaja of Jaipur still
    retains in his secret collection two orders from Shah Jahan for
    surrendering the Taj building. Using captured temples and mansions, as
    a burial place ! for dead courtiers and royalty was a common practice
    among Muslim rulers. For example, Humayun,Akbar, Etmud-ud-Daula and
    Safdarjung are all buried in such mansions. Oak’s inquiries began with
    the name of Taj Mahal.He says the term “Mahal” has never been used for
    a building in any Muslim countries from Afghanisthan to Algeria. “The
    unusual explanation that the term Taj Mahal derives from Mumtaz Mahal
    was illogical in atleast two respects. Firstly, her name was never
    Mumtaz Mahal but Mumtaz-ul-Zamani,” he writes.

    Secondly, one cannot omit the first three letters ‘Mum’ from a woman’s
    name to derive the remainder as the name for the building.”Taj Mahal,
    he claims, is a corrupt version of Tejo Mahalaya, or Lord Shiva’s
    Oak also says the love story of Mumtaz and Shah Jahan is a fairy tale
    created by court sycophants, blundering historians and sloppy
    archaeologists. Not a single royal chronicle of Shah Jahan’s time
    corroborates the love story.Furthermore, Oak cites several documents
    suggesting the Taj Mahal predates Shah Jahan’s era, and was a temple
    dedicated to Shiva, worshipped by Rajputs of Agra city. For example,
    Prof. Marvin Miller of New York took a few samples from the riverside
    doorway of the Taj. Carbon dating tests revealed that the door was 300
    years older than Shah Jahan. European traveler Johan Albert
    Mandelslo,who visited Agra in 1638 (only seven
    years after Mumtaz’s death), describes the life of the city in his
    memoirs. But he makes no reference to the Taj Mahal being built.
    The writings of Peter Mundy, an English visitor to Agra within a year
    of Mumtaz’s death, also suggest the Taj was a noteworthy building well
    before Shah Jahan’s time.

    Prof. Oak points out a number of design and architectural
    inconsistencies that support the belief of the Taj Mahal being a
    typical Hindu temple rather than a mausoleum.Many rooms in the Taj
    Mahal have remained sealed since Shah Jahan’s time and are still
    inaccessible to the public. Oak asserts they contain a headless statue
    of Lord Shiva and other objects commonly used for worship rituals in
    Hindu temples.

    Fearing political backlash, Indira Gandhi’s government tried to have
    Prof.Oak’s book withdrawn from the bookstores, and threatened the
    Indian publisher of the first edition dire consequences. There is
    only one way to discredit or validate Oak’s research.

    The current government should open the sealed rooms of the Taj Mahal
    under U.N. supervision, and let international experts investigate.

    Do circulate this to all you know and let them know about this

    please check these sites …… adds as a visual proof

    Do feel free to circulate it………

  27. Yes, Real Yashendra:

    Let’s find out who the REAL Yashendra is? Now, am I Joel, Yashendra or Arup? You claim to know, right? Do you know? You cannot call me by 3 names.

    Are you a professional slanderer or thief one does not know. Perhaps you are. Let’s see how you challenge the likes of these bigots on this forum?

    If you are Rai Yashendra who come as part of the ZEE TV team to Tech Fest at IIT then I remember you well as you’d, evidently, not hailing from a science background, had made a fool of ur self during the question answer session on the paranormal – Deepak Rao’s show. And you wanted me to help as consultant/researcher? I am laughing.

    The go between had later informed me about your criminal exploits: the way u cheated ZEE TV of lakhs of rupees and then was kicked out of the TV network, then I was also told about how u being a part of Uma Bharti’s Saffron Gang picked up info on the sinister deeds of non-Hindus (Muslims) to use against them at a later stage. By passing on the info to the VHP goons or what? How much money have u earned for it?

    I was also informed that u have this habit of embezzling accounts including that of religious ashrams and of borrowing money from unsuspecting people and then disappearing? Is this right? How much money have u made from blackmailing and pilfering from others?

    I was stunned to hear this about u and thus broke all contacts with ur team and with you after some heated exchanges through electronic media and personally.

    If u have my (Joel Pastakia’s) sms messages during those festival days, I’d like u to reproduce it here on this forum to see what it says. I am really gonna enjoy this encounter. Let the truth come out. I also want all to know about ur criminal deeds.

    At present, what violent act or defamation campaign against the Non-Hindus or financial embezzlement are u plannning? Who have u cheated recently?

    Better still why don’t u meet me at Powai or at ur personal flat – 6th floor, Gokul View (Kandivili – Thakur Complex) if I remember ur address right?

    When will u criminal minded Biharis improve?

    Let’s meet and find out personally what’s true.

    What say Mr Chor?


    Joel P

  28. Real Yashendra, being an alleged thief apart, has been over the years actively collaborating with bigoted Hindu organisations over the years.

    All know the agenda of such saffron organistaions.

    During our talks, Yashendra had also claimed that he posseses a portrait of Prophet Muhammad which he keeps at home.

    We were surprised to hear this piece as it’s common knowledge that there exists no drawing or picture of Muhammad and anyway such an act is strictly forbidden in Islam.

    But, here we have Rai Yashendra emphatically telling friends and others in private that he is in possession of Prophet Muhammad’s portrait/facial drawing. He personally said, if I remember to Joel, that the face, that he claims is Muhammad’s, is fully scarred and that a original sketch in coal exists in a cave in Makka.

    We were shocked by Real Yashendra’s blasphemous disclosures. It’s a criminal offence and an act of sacrilege!

    All know what happended recently the world over due to the caricature of the Prophet Muhammad published in Denmark. In India too several unpleasant incidents have occured or have just been averted due to people wanting to publish Prophet Muhammad’s photo.

    Though we keep questioning Muslims on this forum, a thought as blasphemous as this – of possessing the prophet of Islam’s facial sketch and claiming it to others- does not cross our mind nor do we have any intention of thinking in this way.

    We just wanted all to know the truth about Rai Yashendra’s (Prasad) true nature, deeds and affiliations.


    Sanjoy, Joel, Prabha and other witnesses.

  29. Dear Premajit,

    The Taj Mahal is another disputed monument with both the Hindus and Muslims claiming it as their own. Though several architectural features of the Taj are typically Hindu and as the qibla or axis of the northward facing mosque in it are wrong,it casts doubts on the claims of the Mughals, yet the Archaeological Survey of India is silent on the issue for obvious reasons.

    Here, at IIT Powai, a professor had, alongwith other scientists, carbon tested the wood used in doorways of the Taj but surprisngly the age of the wood was found to be just a few hundred years old (though Hindutavadis claim that the Shiva temple-palace – Tejo-Mahalaya) was in existence for much longer. Perhaps, the doors were changed during the makeover of the Shiva temple during the reign of Shahjahan which explains the discrepancy. We’ll only know the truth if the ASI opens its files and the secret chambers with the alleged destroyed Hindu idols.


    Joel Pastakia.

  30. Real Yashendra Prasad,

    We poor people who’re not studying science at IIT according to you have just one science query (and a serious warning at the end) for you. Perhaps, you’re a genius in science – Answer this:

    Q):If Baryonic matter makes up just 4% of the mass in the universe, then the rest(96%) is said to be composed of Cold Matter, Dark Energy. Till now nerds at Nasa, Harvard, TIFR, our own IIT or at Harvell have no answer to these odd phenomena. Cold Matter, Dark Energy show properties just the
    opposite of Baryonic Matter, yet they paradoxically have a physical presence and measureable effect on Baryonic matter. How come? What role does gravitation play in this, if at all? Can Cold Matter, Dark Energy really affect gravitation? How can gravitation be said to be an independent force when none has any expalantions to its mysterious nature and functioning? Richard Feynman called gravity a pseudo-force? Is he right?

    Real Yashendra (Prasad) – Blackmailer, Vishwa Hindu Parishad Agent, Uma Bharti’s Babri mosque-breaking goon, possessor of Prophet Muhammad’s portrait, thief, slanderer, dumbass give us the answers to these fundamental scientific questions or admit your intellectual inferiority.

    We know what answers to expect from a dumbass like you.

    Let’s see how clever u are. Or else, you’ll turn out like duds such as Asif, Arsalan, Premajit and others who are here preaching myths, lies on this forum and living it in their own life.

    Is Premajit another of Joel’s clone as many people have alleged?

    Real Yashendra (Prasad): What are you and your VHP/RSS terrorists going to do with the sketch of Prophet Muhammad that you possess? Will you goons mass print it without revealing your identities and then paste it on walls to create mayhem? Did you also tell Joel, thinking that he was communal like you, that you and your saffron friends wish to see not a single mosque in India and that Muslims would meet a gory end? What evil actions are you going to take to create further mischief?

    Warning: Get of of here and reform yourself before you land into serious trouble with the authorities and with the mullahs who won’t spare you and your scheming communal minded-friends.

    Sanjoy and the gang of 4.

  31. Hello Mr. Arup Isaacs alias Prabha Devi ( alias Joel Pastakia, alias Sanjoy, alias the gang of 4),

    Thank you very much for accepting my request. About the rest you r free to write whatever u want. I am happy that u have accepted my first claim that you know me personally. And I had requested u not to steal my name. Thats all.

    ( And yes, I have visited IIT but thats either for shooting or for some personal work. I am in no way connected to the instituiton or engineering or technolgy being taught there. I am from a completely different field.)

    I am a simple person. do not take tensions for me or do not agitate your mind for this. Enjoy your discussions. All the best and lots of love.
    – Rai Yashendra Prasad ( good that you yourself revealed my full name ! )

  32. Dear Mr. Arup Isaacs alias Prabha Devi alias Joel Pastakia etc,

    I have never attended any of the Deepak Rao’s paranormal show. I have never attended IIT’s Tech fest. I was only planning to visit that show but the plan was shelved. U r inventing so many things…. !! And I left Zee Tv 8 years ago !! But, well, you have all the rights to imagine whatever u want. ( And, 4 ur info, I shiftd out of that address one year ago).

    Dear Zack, Am sorry to mention these personal things in this august forum. My only concern is misuse of my name, which by now u must have realised urself. Nothing else.thanks.

  33. Hello friends….

    Hey this has turned out to be an exciting forum so far…..It started with Zack trying to get some popular views on the Indian Muslim population….became an intense guess work of so many people..then enters Joel..and what was a peaceful discussion so far caught up speed….whooooooohh!!!! it raced past all previous short length posts and long essays appear challenging the validity of Islamic teachings and beliefs.Few muslims try to answer these challenges but,even I would admit,were not really convincing for non-Muslims….its suffices us,Muslims to have the blindest faith in the Quran,since challenging or believing any verse of the Quran to be untrue is simply blasphemous and will outrightly lead to the expulsion from the Islamic fold…but then non-Muslims must be spoken in a different language,the language of pure reason and no faith..just as the position of science is on faiths…and above all there were certain myths created about Islam and which were entirely untrue and needed to be answered….which is why a just stopover for me became a real challenge as Yashendra puts it….”else admit the inferiority of the Quran”

    Well,I have broken many myths and false allegations in the light of reason …and will continue to do so….Inshallah….by the will of Allah…

    But wait…it takes a new turn…another Yashendra”real” chirps in…and then it turns out to be a personal battle between Joel(Arup?) and this newcomer…and we have Joel singing a different tune…I am surprised to hear the term “blasphemy” from a blasphemist!

    Truely its the weirdest blog I have been…Zack take care else one day you will forget yourself what was your aim of starting this blog…

    Asif alZarq

  34. Dear Asif,
    You have broken no myths.
    The general interpretation of Islam as understood by the Non-Muslims is NOW more than ever confirmed as a Fanatical religion, which harbors terrorists and people with whom you cannot reason.
    Today there is discussion in various countries for Muslim profiling and suspicion towards every young muslim over the age of 14.
    Just calling a religion peaceful is not enough. If Islaam means peace, please demonstrate it. Don’t quote the Koran……….and try to get away with murder. Indians have a saying for such people. “Muh me ram aur bagal me churi”(The name of GOD in their mouth but a sword in their hands) Incidently the whole world has witnessed yound MUSLIMS doing this to innocent victims numerous times on world Telivision.
    You say that you have a right to live in INDIA…..we Hindus agree……..but NOT with the evil fantasy of taking over the country as your fore fathers did when they came to India which was the most prosperous country in the world before it was looted and plundered by the likes of Mahmood Ghazni and the others.
    Stop taking the name of Allah in vain. Every time you kill an innocent victim and there is a chant of allah-o-akbar…….does it sound sweet????
    Why is every second Muslim named after the prophet? And when these people are blowing up planes and themselves…..does it give confidence to non-muslims to even dream that the prophet propogated the meessage of peace in the world.
    Actions are more powerful then words. Stop doing LIP Service and start living in peace.
    Why don’t the Muslim nations who are so RICH, not rich enough to take care of the millions of palastinians refugees and rehabilitate them and give their children education and a decent life to face the world as great citizens of the world and contribute to society, instead of becoming human bombs?
    You can quote the koran all day and all night till the day of the judgement, but if the words and actions of the people who talk about it do not match nobody will believe your rants and chants.
    In peace and love and brotherhood and all the other words that you people desperately need to understand.
    PS. I must clarify that I have nothing to do with any one in any premium techinal university.

  35. Asif,

    Blind faith is for those lacking wisdom or brains. Tomorrrow if I tell u that within the earth there exists a winged creature who gives out “messages” to “inspired” men, will u believe me? No, man. You’ll call me a fool and demand reasons and proofs. Similarly, rational people do not believe in fairy tales of the Quran or Purans without good reasons and supporting evidence.

    Without sound reasons and solid proofs (empirical/direct), how can you know whether a certain thing is true or not? Due to blind faith, the cock and bull stories of Quran have been accepted as “truths” by a non-thinking majority.

    Proofs and valid reasons are needed for everything before they can be accepted. At least sensible people follow this rule and have benefitted much.

    Why not answer all questions put to you before boasting and making a bigger fool of urself?


  36. Dear Zack,
    A religion should grow only by its principles and people accepting it. But Islam is growing by fucking muslim women by muslim men. Is it not so? So Islam grows only by highest fertility rate. Is it a proud thing? While man is progressing in different spheres in this 21st century, muslims are progressing only in their population by fucking. What is your answer Zack? do u have guts to answer this?

  37. Dear Subbu,

    How did u assume that Islam is growing only becoz Muslim men are ******* muslim women ? !! Even the men of other communities are helping the muslim women in this sector. In India most of this ‘growth’ in muslim population is courtesy Hindu men. And in other countries, the US British and Israel armies are trying their best. In countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE ( Dubai & Sharjah) Western Men & Indian men are flocking to inseminate Arab & other muslim women. This is due to great magnetic attraction of muslim females and their voluptuous bodies. …… Christian Armies are destroying muslim men so that more & more muslim women become free. ….And after liberating Afgansitan from the Taliban men, havnt u seen the plethora of Beauty parlours, western dresses etc mushroomed in Kabul, Kandahar etc. The women there r grooming themselves better for non-muslim men.

  38. Subbu and Santana…
    Extremely well touched topic…who is fucking whom….well lets try to judge from a neutral angle….and I would supply you wth proofs…and not just do guessing work like you…

    1…Largest number of prostitutes in India are Nepali HINDUS…brothel going HINDU men will confirm this.

    2…Most actresses in Indian film industry are HINDUS..and everyone would accept that they are no better than prostitutes.

    3…HINDU goddesses wear extremely tight and scanty clothes…can be considered as good SEX DOLLS!!!

    4…Most sex scandals in India occur between HINDU politicans,businessmen,religious leaders and HINDU women…anyone reading newspapers daily knows this fact.

    5…Most high class prostitutes in northern India are PUNJABI HINDUS…who sell their bodies for maintaining a high standard of living.

    6…American as well as European men are slowly taking to same sex relationships…so the remaining heterosexuals will sooner have no other options but the muslim men…which also justifies the steady immigration of muslim men to these countries even after 9/11..its good that 4 marraiges are legalized in Islam…wont be of much good to Muslim women but will serve the interests of women of other religions…

    7.Biggest religion endorsed brothel is composed of HINDU widows of KASHI and MATHURA..temples in Himalayan ranges are dens of lust.

    8.Western pornographic films now catch the latest trends in their country..sons fuc-king their moms,…and dads fuc-king their daughters…full family sex videos is what they call it.,…and also includes sisters being fuc-ked by brothers…so I dont think these westerners will need muslim women to satisfy their lust..they get it at their home itself.

    9…The inter racial pornographic videos released all over the net consist primaily of HINDUS girls showing their nice juicy holes to the world along with white men pumping them hard!!.Also blacks have a significant role sometimes pouring gallons of semen into small,tight asses of young and sexy HINDU girls.I know that they are HINDU girls since they are interviewed before the hard fuc-k to confirm their origin…most of them are generally of Rajasthani HINDU origin..names given by them and passport details prove their HINDU identity.

    10…It appears that HINDU men have “outsoorced” this fuc-king business…the contract came to us Muslim men first…since we are adept at handling more than one women(four wives theory prove this capability beyond doubt!!!)..However we are busy fuc-king our own women..and religious considerations also limited aur sexual sphere only to our wives…so it seems that the contract of fuc-king HINDU women have gone to the Westerners…Men who fuc-k their own mothers and sisters now fuc-k your wives and sisters..proving your impotency by all means!!!

    The bottom line is that idiots like you who have no idea about the practical ground situation should SHUT UP and SIT QUIET…and instead check with your sisters and aunties for the truth that who is fuc-king whom..

    Asif alZarq

  39. “supra cosmic absolute conciousness is the same sort of talk that Brahmin priests used to indulge in when explaining”
    —-by asif

    i mean this quote——and thinks that we believe in his talk…LOL

  40. sorry for interupting, after perusing all the comments, I liked what joel said.and he is right is right…law of nature “unity underlying diversity”. nobody should try to break it and create imbalance.


    Apart from the fact that all the key terms,
    beliefs and rituals in the Quran are borrowed from
    older sources, here’s a list of the “Fairy Tales”
    narrated by the mythical creature Jibril that constitutes the Holy Quran.

    These baseless myths are blindly accepted by the
    “believers” as truthful “Divine Revelations”:

    1.”The story of the she-camel who leapt
    out of a rock and became a
    prophet ” (Suras 7:73-77,85; 91:14;

    2. The story of an entire village of people
    who were turned into apes because
    they broke Allah’s laws (Suras 2:65;

    3.The gushing 12 springs story found in
    Sura 2:60.

    4. In what is called the “Rip Van Winkle”
    story, seven men and their animals
    slept for 309 years in a cave and then
    woke up perfectly fine (Sura 18:9-26).

    5. The fable of the pieces of four dead,
    cut-up birds getting up and flying (Sura

    6. The fantastic tale that God made a man
    “die for a hundred years” with no ill
    effects on his food, drink, or donkey
    (Sura 2:259ff.).

    7. The tale of Abraham being delivered
    from Nimrod’s fire ( Suras 21:51-
    71; 29:16, 17; 37:97,98).

    It must be pointed out that Nimrod and
    Abraham did not live at the same time.

    8. The silly story found in Sura 7:171 of
    Allah lifting up Mount Sinai and
    holding it over the heads of the Jews as
    a threat to squash them if they rejected
    the law.

    9. The making of the golden calf in the
    wilderness, in which the image jumped
    out of the fire fully formed and actually
    mooed (Suras 7:148;20:88).

    10.The story of a flying trip on a winged
    horse through the seven
    aerial heavens.

    11. The Houries-whores and Pearl-Skinned Gay
    gigolos of paradise.

    12. According to the literal Arabic
    translation of Sura 3:106, 107, on
    Judgment Day, only people with
    white faces will be saved. People
    with black faces will be damned.

    13. The Quran promises a heaven full of
    wine and free sex (Suras 2:25;
    4:57; 11:23; 47:15).

    If drunkenness and gross immorality
    is sinful on earth, how is it right
    in a spiritual heavencomposed of
    earthly elements? Will we have
    mouths, tongues, stomachs,
    anuses andpenises/vaginas in heaven
    to swallow, taste, digest, excrete and
    urinate the waste generated by the wine/milk/honey consumed? Besides, can a spiritual/non-physical place
    like heaven, in the first place, be constituted of earthly or physical
    elements? A big contradiction!


    Joel Pastakia

  42. I knew that all these SUBBU and SANTANA and S.SINGH …are actually clones of Joel…who has sprang again trying to show ISLAM in poor light…but you should know that people like you have tried to malign ISLAM and instead ended up in propagating ISLAM !!

    Just an example..You all must be knowing the famous American Rechard Reid more commonly known as the shoe bomber…converted to Islam.What he did cant be praised by any means …he tried to bomb down a plane..but then when you see your co religionists harmed and humiliated in every possible way …its difficult to keep your happens with all communities…But what is more interesting from all this is that…..BEFORE HER BROTHER WAS SENTENCED TO 20 YEARS IMPRISONMENT BY THE FEDERAL COURT FRO TERRORIST ACTIVITIES..REID’S SISTER HAD APPARANTLY AN ANTIPATHY TOWARDS ISLAM…BUT THEN THIS ACT OF HER BROTHER COMPELLED HER FROM INSIDE TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS ISLAM….AND TODAY SHE IS A DEVOUT AND PRACTISING MUSLIM….PRAISE BE TO ALLAH.

    So also Joel…your relentless campaign against Islam will actually help to spread ISLAM…after all ISLAM has spread with a greater speed through its former enemies…And I am sure to a great extent that when you will come to your senses you will discover yourself at the altar of the All-Forgiving ALLAH…

    Asif al Zarq

  43. Asif Bhai,

    Salaam Ailaikum ! You keep accusing me of things which I am not responsible for. I am not opposed to Islam or any religion for that matter. Haven’t you noticed the manner in which I’ve rebuffed several loony Hindu writers on this forum? Have you not read the essay (Multi Hued Fanaticism) in which I’ve exposed the hypocrisy of every faith including the superstitions of science?

    In ypur blind zeal to project Islam as the true faith, you’ve condescended to the level of the ignorant, hypocrite and superstitious. You jump to defend every idiotic Islamic belief under the assumption that what the Quran preaches is absolute truth when to the unbiased observer it’s obvious that the Quran is far from perfect or comprehensive and that it’s so easy to demolish its mythical claims.

    At the same time, let me make it clear that I do not hold the Prophet Muhammad – I bow to all Prophets past, present and future – responsible for the errors in the Quran. The Quran was committed to writing much after the demise of Rasool; several competing versions had sprung up like the many Hadiths with each claiming to be the original. There’s exists no extant copy of the Quran despite claims made by blind fanatics to the contrary. There’s reason to believe that the present version of the Quran is not authentic. Scholarly studies have shown this to be so. When even a curious student like me reads the Quran, the umpteen mistakes, contradictions and myths in it become apparent.

    A Perfected Being like a Prophet cannot commit these mistakes. Perhaps,Muhammad’s disciples were responsible for the errors that later crept in. Anyway, not a single religious book can claim to be comprehensive.

    Books are mere maps along the way to the TRUTH. And, the Truth is not a matter of intellectually submitting to theories or sermons.

    The Absolute and concomitant Cosmic Truths have to be first reasoned upon and then actually realised through direct experiences in subtler states of consciousness before one can stand up and emphatically declare that so and so thing is true or not! A man of spiritual realisation is a yogi/mystic/sufi and is not a mere talker, superficial ritualist or blind believer who has no valid answers or proofs to support his claims.

    A man of actual mystical realisation possesses the power, light, peace and knowledge of the physical and supra physical planes and can truly move mountains in any sense! Neither is a man of actual spiritual realisation a speculator or one who draws flimsy/superficial conclusions like the scientists who can only deals inferentially with the surface laws – and mind you the surface laws are not ineluctable….they can be changed under certain circumstances….

    I pity the Shoe Bomber and his ilk. Nothing what they believe in is true and all their silly religious dogmas (like the ones you hold) can easily be demolished and he can (like you) be made to appear a fool.

    If Islam wants to attract to its bosom perverts, lunatics, irrational fools and non-questioning idiots to add to its already existing ignorant believers, it is most welcome. But, do not try to thrust all your Islamic fairy tales down the throats of others.

    Remember, Unity underlying diversity is the cosmic plan on ever plane of existence leading to the Absolute. Neither will the whole world ever become wholly Muslim or Hindu or Christian; differences will always exist. But, since the basal truth underlying every faith is the quest of the Absolute Truth, let’s consider every religion to be a radius leading to one common centre. Nature has this in mind, Asif. Self-Realisation will be the religion of the enlightened future, perhaps!


    Joel P

  44. I just got back from some urgent work and signed in to find that the discussion has taken a turn towards use of 4 letter words without any interception from the blog master.

    Zack are you keeping a track of the blogs or have you started operating like the Almighty……and have given freedom to all human beings to operate as they want.

    People…… name calling will not solve any issue. Only reasonable understanding of each other’s view will do the job……..

    And ASIF, for a change if you get time off…..watching and analysing pornography, of which you have deep knowledge and understanding, would you like to answer some of the questions about the fundamental beliefs of the ISLAM faith??? and yourself to better understand where we stand.

    I am hoping that you have some objectivity and you will tell me why
    1) All young Muslim terrorists shout Allah 0 Akbar when they are killing innocent civilians?
    2) Are there truly 72 virgins who are waiting for providing their services to the Suicide squad? Is heaven a celestial whorehouse?
    3) Why are the Shias killing Sunnis and vice versa?
    4) Do you ASIF ZARQ agree with the extremist actions of followers of ISLAM of bombing and killing innocent victims in USA, Spain, Kashmir & Mumbai and other places.
    Do you agree that the destruction of the Buddha statues by the Taliban in Afghanistan was an act of peace by followers of ISLAM (which incidently means peace?)
    5) Have you studied the vedic literature or any Hindu scriptures before you (trash) talk about the Hindu Dieties and the understanding of Advait philosophy?
    6) Do you believe that a human soul can achieve enlightenment, self realization or Nirvikalpa samadhi?
    7) Do you believe that all life on earth is sacred? ( including plants and animals)
    8) What is the real meaning of JIHAD?
    Please be as reasonable as you can and let me know the answers to the above. Can you do it without the use of unparlamentary and insulting language.



    The Quran repeats fanciful Arabian fables as if they were true.

    “Arabic legends about the fabulous jinns fill its pages” (G.G. Pfander, Balance of Truth, pp. 283).

    “The story of the she-camel who leapt out of a rock and became a prophet was known long before Muhammad” (Suras 7:73-77,85; 91:14; 54:29).

    The story of an entire village of people who were turned into apes because they broke the sabbath by fishing was a popular legend in Muhammad’s day (Suras 2:65; 7:163-166).

    The gushing 12 springs story found in Sura 2:60 comes from pre-Islamic legends.

    In what is called the “Rip Van Winkle” story, seven men and their animals slept for 309 years in a cave and then woke up perfectly fine (Sura 18:9-26)!

    This legend is found in Greek and Christian fables as well as Arabian lore.

    The fable of the pieces of four dead, cut-up birds getting up and flying was well known in Muhammad’s time (Sura 2:260).

    It is also clear that Muhammad used such pre-Islamic literature as the Saba Moallaqat of Imra’ul Cays in his composition of Suras 21:96; 29:31,46; 37:59; 54:1, and 93:1.


    Many of the stories in the Quran come from the Jewish Talmud, the Midrash, and many apocryphal works.

    This was pointed out by Abraham Geiger in 1833, and further documented by another Jewish scholar, Dr. Abraham Katsh, of New York University, in 1954 (The Concise Dictionary of Islam, p. 229; Jomier, The Bible and the Quran — Henry Regency Co., Chicago, 1959, 59ff; Sell, Studies, pp. 163ff.; Guillaume, Islam, p. 13.

    A. The source of Sura 3:35-37 is the fanciful book called The Protevangelion’s James the Lesser.

    B. The source of Sura 87:19 is the Testament of Abraham.

    C. The source of Sura 27:17-44 is the Second Targum of Esther.

    D. The fantastic tale that God made a man “die for a hundred years” with no ill effects on his food, drink, or donkey was a Jewish fable (Sura 2:259ff.).

    E. The idea that Moses was resurrected and other material came from the Jewish Talmud (Sura 2:55, 56, 67).

    F. The story in Sura 5:30,31 can also be found in pre-Islamic works from Pirke Rabbi Eleazer, the Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziah and the Targum of Jerusalem.

    G. The tale of Abraham being delivered from Nimrod’s fire came from the Midrash Rabbah (see Suras 21:51-71; 29:16, 17; 37:97,98).

    It must be also pointed out that Nimrod and Abraham did not live at the same time. “Jibril”, the mythical creature, was always mixing people together in the Quran who did not live at the same time.

    H. The non-biblical details of the visit of the Queen of Sheba (Saba) in Sura 27:20-44 came from the Second Targum of the Book of Esther.

    I. The source of Sura 2:102 is no doubt the Midrash Yalkut (chapter 44).

    J. The story found in Sura 7:171 of God lifting up Mount Sinai and holding it over the heads of the Jews as a threat to squash them if they rejected the law came from the Jewish book Abodah Sarah.

    K. The story of the making of the golden calf in the wilderness, in which the image jumped out of the fire fully formed and actually mooed (Suras 7:148; 20:88), came from Pirke Rabbi Eleazer.

    L) The seven heavens and hells described in the Quran came from the Zohar and the Hagigah.

    M) Muhammad utilized the Testament of Abraham to teach that a scale or balance will be used on the day of judgment to weigh good and bad deeds in order to determine whether one goes to heaven or hell (Suras 42:17; 101:6-9).


    One of the most documented and damaging facts about the Quran is that Muhammad used heretical “Christian” Gnostic gospels and their fables for material in the Quran.

    Encyclopedia Britannica comments:

    “The gospel was known to him chiefly through apocryphal and heretical sources” (15:648).

    This has been demonstrated many times by various scholars (Richard Bell, Introduction to the Quran, pp. 163ff. See also: Bell, The Origin of Islam in Its Christian Environment, pp. 110ff, 139ff; Sell, Studies, pp. 216ff. See also Tisdall and Pfander).

    For example, in Suras 3:49 and 100:11O, the baby Jesus speaks from the cradle! Later on, the Quran has Jesus making clay birds come alive.

    The Bible tells us that the first miracle Jesus did was at the wedding at Cana (John 2:11).


    Muhammad incorporated parts of the religion of the Sabeans into Islam (Encyclopedia off Islam (ed. Eliade), pp. 303ff.; International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, pp. 1:219ff.).

    He adopted such pagan rituals as:
    Worshiping at Kabah, praying five times a day towards Mecca (Muhammad chose five of the same times the Sabeans prayed).

    NOTE: The rituals associated with the Hajj are copied from Vedic rites – (Hajj in Sanskrit means “holy pilgrimage”; before Muhammad’s time, Hajj was termed Okaj, a corruption of the original Sanskrit. Besides, Kabba is another pure Vedic Sanskrit word that means “holy shrine” and Kaabali (in Sanskrit) means “Lord Of the Shrine – Shiva”).

    Further, circumbulating a Shiv-linga stone (Sangmay Aswaad – in Sanskrit Sanghe Ashwet means “black stone”), tonsuring the head, donning seamless garments, significance attached to water (zam zam), etc, are all Vedic rituals that have been adopted by Islam.

    Fasting for part of a day for an entire month.


    Muhammad derived some of his ideas from Eastern religions such as Zoroastrianism and Hinduism.
    All of these things were in existence long before Muhammad was born.

    The Quran records the following things which are ascribed to Muhammad but in reality were previously known stories now attributed to him for the first time (Sell, Studies, pp. 219ff.)

    The story of a flying trip through seven heavens on a winged horse (another mythical creature).

    The Houries of paradise.
    Azazil and other spirits coming up from Hades.
    The “light” of Muhammad.
    The bridge of Sirat.
    Paradise with its wine, women, and song (from the Persians).
    The king of death.
    The peacock story.


    While the devout Muslim believes with all of his heart that the rituals and doctrines of Islam are entirely “heavenly” in origin and thus cannot have any earthly sources, Middle East scholars have demonstrated beyond all doubt that every major term, ritual and belief in Islam can be traced back to pre-Islamic Arabian culture.

    In other words Muhammad did not preach anything new. Everything he taught had been believed and practised in Arabia long before he was ever born. Even the idea of “only one God” was borrowed from the Jews and the Christians.

    PS: Above all, the word and concept for God (Allah) in the Quran is a pure Vedic-Sanskrit word).


    Joel P


    According to Professor Guillaume in his book, Islam, (pp. 191ff.), some of the original verses of the Quran were lost.

    For example, one Sura originally had 200 verses in the days of Ayesha. But by the time Uthman standardized the text of the Quran, it had only 73 verses! A total of 127 verses had been lost, and they have never been recovered.

    The Shiite Muslims claim that Uthman left out 25 percent of the original verses in the Quran for political reasons (McClintock and Strong, Cyclopedia, V:152).

    That there are verses which got left out of Uthman’s version of the Quran is universally recognized (Shorter Encyclopedia off Islam, pp. 278-282; Guillaume, Islam, p. 191; Wherry, A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran, pp. 110-111).

    John Burton’s book, The Collection of the Quran, which was published by Cambridge University, documents how such verses were lost (London University Press, 1977, pp. 117ff. See also Arthur Jeffery, Islam: Muhammad and His Religion, New York; Liberal Arts Press, 1958, pp. 66-68).

    Burton states concerning the Muslim claim that the Quran is perfect: “The Muslin accounts of the history of the Quran texts are a mass of confusion, contradiction and inconsistencies” (Burton, Collection, p. 231).
    Changes in the Quran.

    One interesting way that some off the original verses of the Quran were lost is that a follower of Muhammad named Abdollah Sarh would make suggestions to Muhammad about rephrasing, adding to, or subtracting from the Suras. Muhammad often did as Sarh suggested.

    Ali Dashti explains what happened:

    “Abdollah renounced Islam on the ground that the revelations, if from God, could not be changed at the prompting of a scribe such as he. After his apostasy he went to Mecca and joined the Qorayshites” (Dashti, 23 Years, p. 98).

    It is no wonder that when Muhammad conquered Mecca one of the first people he killed was Abdollah, for he knew too much and opened his mouth too often.

    Some Verses Abrogated:

    In the abrogation process spoken of earlier, verses which are contradictory to Muslim faith and practice have been removed from the text, such as the “satanic verses” in which Muhammad approved of the worship of the three goddesses, the daughters of Allah (Al Lat, Al Uzza, Al Mannat).

    The Arabic scholar E. Wherry comments:
    “There being some passages in the Quran which are contradictory, the Muhammadan doctors obviate any objection from thence by the doctrine of abrogation; for they say that God in the Quran commanded several things which were for good reasons afterwards revoked and abrogated” (A Comprehensive Commentary on the Qurun, p. 110).

    Wherry goes on to document numerous examples of verses taken out of the Quran.

    Canon Sell in his work, Historical Development of the Quran, also comments on the practice of abrogating verses out of the Quran if they are troublesome: “It is to us astounding how so compromising a procedure can have been permitted to be introduced into the system by friends and foes (Madras: Diocesan Press, 1923, pp. 36-37).

    Some Verses Added:

    Not only have parts of the Quran been lost, but entire verses and chapters have been added to it. For example, Ubai had several Suras in his manuscript of the Quran which Uthman omitted from his standardized text.

    Thus there were Qurans in circulation before Uthman’s text which had additional revelations from Muhammad that Uthman did not find or approve of, and thus he failed to place them in his text.

    No Originals:

    As to the claim that the original manuscript of the Quran is still in existence, we have already pointed out there was no single “manuscript” of the Quran.

    Caesar Farah in his book on Islam, states:
    “When Muhammad died there existed no singular codex of the sacred text” (Caesar Farah, Islam: Beliefs and Observations, New York; Barrons, 1987, p. 28).

    The Shorter Encyclopedia off Islam comments:
    “One thing only is certain and is openly recognized by tradition, namely, that there was not in existence any collection of revelations in the final form, because, as long as he was alive, new revelations were being added to the earlier ones” (p. 271).


    Joel P

  47. Hello Friends…

    A few days back Joel had submitted a so called sample list of “baseless myths” found in the Quran….But any true Quran reader would easily distinguish that Joel has lied with an apparent aim of maligning Islam….which also goes on to prove that Joel has no study of his own in this matter….he has copied all these anti Islamic rhetoric from some third party source and thus the mistakes have been copied along!!


    Well Joel…the answers to your sample list:
    1)You claimed that ”The story of the she-camel who leapt out of a rock and became a prophet ” (Suras 7:73-77,85; 91:14;54:29).The verses you referred to tell that Allah ordered a she camel to appear out of a rocky mountain.This is described in the Quran as a clear sign to the community of Prophet of Saleh who did not want to believe in the existence of Allah.Further to test their submission to Allah the community of Prophet Salih were ordered never to harm the camel.This in not uncommon in Islam….Allah first shows a miracle to the ignorant fools who refuse His existence and then on the basis of that miracle Allah tests the faith of the Believers.THE VERSES DON’T DESCRIBE THE CAMEL AS A PROPHET AS YOU HAVE CLAIMED.
    2)What a furore!When Darwin claimed that all men have transcended from apes…the scientific community accepts his conjecture as a The Theory of Evolution(although by an extension of that theory,apes should be converting to humans continuously since theory is one that should hold over all times like the Theory of Gravitation…however we don’t find such instances today despite the vigorous coverage of the media of the animal world!!).But when the Quran mentions that a certain community was punished by Allah and was genetically transformed to develop the external characteristics of Apes…ignorants like Joel jump to conclude that the Quran is a fairy tale!The incident above mentioned in the Quran occurred somewhere in the middle east since it alongwith the north eastern African continent was the first place where human beings first began to live.Now have you ever looked into the faces of the blacks of Africa closely??Their faces and skull’s anatomy resembles more of that of apes rather than other humans….this is the main reason why Darwin had claimed that humans descended from apes.So it is quite possible that the black people of Africa are descendants from that community of Salih who were turned into ape like.And in certain parts of Africa,even in these modern times,people live in tribes almost naked and hunt like animals…..think over these events Joel ..why you and me are living in plush air conditioned homes conjecturing on the internet and why a poor black deep in the forests of Africa struggling with the “Animal World” to get his food and once he gets it he eats it like animal too..whereas you get it prepared in the micro oven.The former curse of Allah is evident.And now look at the same Africa.. progressive people are those tribes who have either accepted Islam or Christianity generally.Now do you find the connection Joel???Its Islam and rudimentary Islam(Christianity) which have delivered these human cum apes from the curse of ALLAH.
    And I am talking about our age the 21st century…go back a thousand or two thousand years you will find most parts of Africa ruled by these “Apes”.I hope your treachery of maligning Islam has been exposed Joel!
    NOTE:Any African Black please condone me….I mean no offense to your physical appearance..all is from ALLAH..and all human beings are same in His eyes…
    Joel…why you fail to understand the meaning of the Quran(if you have ever read the Quran in the first place)is because you read with a spirit of falsifying it which is why your mind gets its own wrong meanings.Hint:Reading with an objective but neutral attitude might help a pervert like you blindly bent on maligning Islam

    3)The Gushing of 12 rivers :
    Joel I thought you were a student of science..but you proved yourself to be devoid of knowledge of basic geological sciences!!And you brag about “exposing Myths of all religions on the lines of science”!!!!
    Even a student of class 6 can teach you that springs result from the exposure in rocks due to the tremendous presuure of underground water.Water is a liquid and hence compressible to a very limited extent.The resulting pressure can break open even hard rocks.This happens in the case of springs .And is it very impossible that a rocky place breaks up to release 12 points of a gushing stream???The recent Tsunami in the Indian ocean altered geographical features and geological construction and composition of many of the affected place.To the average reader I ask… it very impossible for the All Powerful ALLAH Who has caused this massive geological phenomenon a few months have caused a small fissure in a rocky mountain releasing 12 springs???? Obviously its very much possible!!And Joel have you ever viewed the footages of volcanic eruptions…how the lava flows in all directions…just as the springs of the Quranic revealations flowed on the fissuring of the rocky source.Actually have become so blinded by your hatred towards Islam that even common things appear to be miracles to you!!!
    (to be continued in the next post)
    Asif alZarq

  48. Hi..all of you…

    This post is a continuation of the previous post in which I have deplored the lies and ignorance of Joel vis-s-vis Quran and Islamic teachings..

    4)Rip Van Winkle Story…..This was the name given by Joel to the famous event known as Ashab al Kahf(The Companions of the Cave).Since the Ashab al Kahf happened several centuries before the coming of Islam….and it is indeed real since it has been mentioned in the Quran and no part of the Quran has ever been falsified…..hence it can be safely assumed that the story of Rip Van Winkle coming down from the mountains as an old man with a rusty gun in his hand has been actually based on the theme of Ashab al-Kahf and a “copyright” violation!
    On the surface it is indeed a very contradictory phenomenon…But then Muslims believe that ALLAH is all powerful and can make everything to happen if He wills.A muslim needs no further explanation…However people like Joel and Premajit needs…being devoid of the wisdom that only true faith can instill.
    ALLAH asks the Believers to look around the world for His clear signs.And indeed if we “look around” we will come across the bats ,ground squirrels,basking sharks,mouse lemurs all of which demonstrate a physical phenomenon known as HIBERNATION. Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate, to conserve energy especially during winter. Hibernation may last several days or weeks depending on species, ambient temperature, and time of year.Thus if we combine this phenomenon with another phenomenon known as the state of COMA…we can get a clear picture of what might have happened to the seven men and their animals in the cave.They underwent Hibernation for a much longer period…309 years by the will of ALLAH.
    Now there may be an argument that how is it possible that a normal person may hibernate for such a long period.However Medical history is replete with examples which defy human logic and established physiological processes have been known to be violated in many cases.Well Joel how long can you,or for that matter any of us can live without breathing?One minute,two,three…..certainly not…we will exasperate for air with 40 to 50 seconds. I will cite a recent example of one Md Hafizul who have stayed without breathing for 10 hours underwater…and if you don’t believe me then contact Calcutta Swimming Club and this entire episode was covered by West Bengal media.So if in this case the basic physiological process of breathing was being violated to such a large extent..something more than 700 times(10 hours is 720 times of 50 seconds) then is it not possible that a person who can maximum stay without food water for about a month or a bit more can under extraordinary circumstances stay in hibernation for 309 years??

    Think over it…J

    5)The Four dead cut –up birds….

    The Quranic verse quoted by Joel is 2:260.This verse tells us that Prophet Ibrahim wanted to see how ALLAH gives life to the dead.ALLAH asked Ibrahim whether he did not believe that He is the sole giver of life and death…to which Ibrahim answered “yes” but its only that he wanted to be stronger in faith.So ALLAH asked Ibrahim to collect four birds and cut them into many pieces and put their remnants on different places.And when Ibrahim were to call those birds ..they would come back flying and alive.Now if anyone of us want to regelate this to the catyegory of a fable and falsehood…then actually what are we doing????….BY QUESTIONING THIS EVENT’S VALIDITY WE ARE QUESTIONING THE POWER OF ALLAH TO GIVE LIFE AND DEATH!!
    Now If we believe that ALLAH can give life then this event is a normal event…..ALSO SUPPORTED BY SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES:
    i)The Principle of indestructibility of matter states that matter can neither created nor destroyed…(this principle holds in most cases except nuclear fission).Stated in simple terms this Principle seeks to establish that a matter which is seemingly destroyed is actually dissipated into other forms and given the right process the original matter can be restored through chemical process.
    ii)Scientists who study the composition of Protoplasm(basic life matter)have come to the conclusion that its impossible to determine it since the protoplasm dies whn experimented upon.Hence this establishes that man cannot give life nor death as also it confirms the Quranic verse in which ALLAH says “How can you disbelieve in ALLAH?Seeing that you were dead and He gave you life then He will give you death,then again will bring you to life(Day of ressurection),and then unto Him you will return”(Surah 2:28)

    Thus if we combine the above two things…one an established principle and another a scientific fact..then what do we get???WE GET THAT THE GIVING OF LIFE IS IN THE HANDS OF THE UNKNOWN….AND THAT UNKNOWN BEING CAN REVERSE DEATH AND CAUSE LIFE TO FLOURISH AGAIN IF IT WILLED SO.
    I call that Unknown Being ALLAH

    6) The Hundred year controversy is basically same as the Ashab al-Kahf event….this has been answered in point number 4…..

    7)WHAT A BLATANT LIE!!!! The Quran does NOT ever say that Prophet Ibrahim(Abraham) was thrown into fire by Nimrod…..the Quran says that it was PHARAOH who was responsible for this act. Pharaoh is a title used to refer to any ruler, usually male, of the Egyptian kingdom in the pre-Christian, pre-Islamic period. The Quran no more elaborates on this as to who was the real Pharaoh who did this act..

    Secondly …the Quran says that Ibrahim was “SAVED” from the fire…the Quran does not say that Ibrahim was actually in the fire…..A more detailed explanation is found in the Hadiths where it is found that the fire got extinguished before it could touch Ibrahim…the cause of extinguishing is not specified.

    Joel …please stop publishing wholesale incorrect things.And also give me the parent websites from where you copy all these materials and supply this blog with articles which appear no more than illegitimate children of some parent master copy …

    Your intention of misleading Muslims and others have stood exposed.


    (to be continued in the next post)

    Asif alZarq

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