Taking Quran Out of Context

A Muslim under Progress had an interesting post of which I liked this snippet:

The truth of the matter is that the Qur’an has been misused and abused by Muslims themselves. The dictionary approach to the Qur’an is our own doing. We can complain all we want when Daniel Pipes, or Malise Ruthven, or a whole host of other hostile writers, take snipets from the Qur’an, the source for a Muslims faith, and teach Westeners that this is what Muhammad and Abdullah down the street what to do to them. But it is Muslims themselves, who pick this verse or that, ignore the context, and use it to promote their own sect, ideology, group, motives etc. A case of stones and glass houses.

Via Path of the Paddle.

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. this sort of hypocrisy is rife in religion-period. christian “literalists” do believe in the literal word of god-except that when jesus said that he would return before the “passing of this generation”-generation actually means the jewish people, so since the jewish people are still around, the generation hasn’t passed-blah, blah, blah…..

    religious people might pity me as a hell-bound atheist, but at least i don’t have to make sense of ingenius garblings that have transcendental meaning….

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