Global Attitudes

I blogged some time ago on last year’s global attitudes survey here. Now, they have a new survey out (full report here, summary here). It seems that the trust between US and Europe has gone down as a result of the disagreement over the Iraq war. The view of the US is now less favorable,… Continue reading Global Attitudes

Burke Marshall, 1922-2003

Burke Marshall has died. Burke Marshall, the government’s legal strategist on civil rights in the era of freedom rides, the Birmingham church bombing and the March on Washington, died yesterday at his home in Newtown, Conn., near Danbury. He was 80. The cause was myelodysplasia, a bone marrow disorder, said his daughter Catie Marshall. As… Continue reading Burke Marshall, 1922-2003

Categorized as Politics

Trackback Problems

I have “Trackback Auto-discovery” switched on for my blog. It was working fine in automatically pinging the weblogs I referred to. But it is not working any more. It does not even find the URLs to ping. Specifically it did not let me ping The Poor Man in the previous post. Does anyone any ideas… Continue reading Trackback Problems

Categorized as Internet

The Poor Man at his best

The Poor Man is supposed to be on semi-vacation working on his thesis (like me), but he is at his funniest and snarkiest posting loads of material. I can excerpt it, so I am linking to all his recent posts. First, he makes fun of Republican whining over alleged prejudice and takes on the thin… Continue reading The Poor Man at his best

Salam Pax

Salam Pax was already a famous blogger. Then we heard that he’s becoming a columnist, writing biweekly for the Guardian starting this wednesday. And now Peter Maass tells us that Salam was his interpreter for a couple of weeks in Baghdad.

Eric Rudolph: Terrorist

Eric Rudolph, longtime fugitive and terrorist, was finally caught a couple of days ago. When Rudolph bombed the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, GA in 1996, I still was more than a year away from coming here. But Olympics are a big event and I heard all about the bombing and was probably in Atlanta… Continue reading Eric Rudolph: Terrorist

Categorized as Politics

Democracy: Pakistani Style

To all those who think General Pervez Musharraf has restored democratic government in Pakistan, here is his underling Prime Minister Zafarullah Jamali: “Neither you nor I gave him the uniform. It was given to him by an organization and only that organization can decide about that.” So, only the army can decide whether the President… Continue reading Democracy: Pakistani Style

Categorized as Pakistan


I went kayak touring (also known popularly as sea kayaking, though we were obviously not on the sea in this trip) on Lake Oconee yesterday. It was a lot of fun and tiring. I am thinking about going on an overnight lake trip later this month in which we’ll kayak and hike. There were some… Continue reading Kayaking

Categorized as Travel