September 11

I don’t know what to say about the dastardly terrorist attack two years ago. I have no interesting story of where I was. I was sleeping in Atlanta and was awakened by my roommate around 11am because of frantic calls by Amber from Jersey. She found out about the WTC attacks when she reached her office that morning in central Jersey. I think she, along with her colleagues, went to the basement of their building for a while when there were rumors of more possible attacks. I spent the rest of the day looking at the television news in horror. I must admit that my first thought was of Al-Qaeda and such terrorist groups being behind it.

I can’t even imagine the grief of people who lost family and friends that day. My heart goes out to them. Also, I hope we bring the perpetrators (I mean everyone involved in the conspiracy; obviously the hijackers themselves are already dead) to justice soon.

And then there are nutcases like Al-Muhajiroun (link via Letter from Gotham). I don’t have anything to say to the likes of these guys except: Fuck you, Osama Bin Laden and damn you, Al-Muhajiroun.

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. Couldn’t have said that last part better myself. The worst part of it is that they think they’re benefiting Muslims or Islam with their actions when in fact all they do is bring shame and disgrace on Islam and harm to Muslims. What they do is sick by any standard, but that part I take personally.

  2. Yeah dude. I wish that dope had spent his family fortune on schools and research rather than training poor kids to become terrorists.

  3. I don’t have anything to say to the likes of these guys except: Fuck you, Osama Bin Laden and damn you, Al-Muhajiroun.

    Hey, Zack – now yer assimilated – A true ‘merkin sentiment 😉

    Seriously, though, you’d be a good citizen. Sign up for the USA! And leave Pakistan behind like my parents left India behind…

  4. Al-Muhajabah: Thanks.

    Brian: Nice slogan.

    Hasan: There were so many different good things he could have done, but he’s a nutcase.

    godless: I am an American, despite what Randall says.

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