In case you are wondering, I am alive and well. Just busy with work. Today is grading day for part 2 of the project. So a whole day dedicated to the task.
In addition to work, I am being pressured by people (i.e., family, who else) not to spend too much non-work time on the computer. This has obviously affected my blogging. Anyway, I hope to get rid of that pressure and be back blogging regularly.
I have finished reading Terror and Liberalism by Paul Berman. I should have a review up tomorrow. Tonight I plan to watch the extended edition of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with my roommates on DVD.
extended version? isnt that movie long enough????
Go easy on the grading, yo. =)
As for spending less non-work-related time on the computer…I’m constantly being advised by my parents to do the same. But turning on the computer just to write a paper takes all the fun out of things.
Zack, I’ll be in your area soon, let me know if you wanna hang out. I’m not sure if I can because of familial obligations, but it would be kinda cool. I’ll email you my #
Bushra: It really is not long enough. the extended version adds about 30 minutes which really fleshes out the story quite a bit more. It still doesn’t have all the great and epic details of the books, but the extended version is definitely better.
yasmine: I did go easy. A median grade of 90%. How’s that?
But turning on the computer just to write a paper takes all the fun out of things.
Javed: That would be great. I have sent you an email. Let me know your plan.
If you were wondering why I ranted about God or why my family is pressuring me to not spend so much time on the computer, you should really get a life. grin. I guess I am going to tell you…