The Day the Iraq War was Lost

Phil Carter in an excellent article in the Washington Monthly Nov 2004 issue:

A generation from now, historians may look back to April 28, 2004, as the day the United States lost the war in Iraq. On that date, “CBS News” broadcast the first ugly photographs of abuses by American soldiers at Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison. There were images of a man standing hooded on a box with wires attached to his hands; of guards leering as they forced naked men to simulate sexual acts; of a man led around on a leash by a female soldier; of a dead Iraqi detainee, packed in ice; and more.

I on May 3, 2004:

A year after President Bush declared major combat operations over in Iraq, the war in Iraq has finally ended. In case you don’t know, the US lost.

Phil’s article, unlike my post, is a must-read.

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. Two or three generations from now April 28 ‘04 might have even more significance.

    I was wondering, Zack, what you make of the claims (based on various polls) that it was “moral issues” that dominated the voters choices? I saw one poll, where people whose priorities were the economy or health voted Kerry; those who thought moral issues and terrorism were the most important topics went with Bush. Looks as though Bush was simply more successful in getting his people out to vote.

    I’m certain there will not be this much hype and attention from the US when we come to our General Election next year. But you wouldn’t mind asking newspapers to run a letter writing campaign to remove Governor Bliar from office would you? 😉

  2. thabet: Regarding “moral issues,” I have heard the claims and read the polls, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. First, I would need to compare the exit polls this year to those in 2000. Second, I would like some clarification as to what constitutes “moral issues.” The commentary seems to say that “moral issues” means opposition to gay marriage and abortion etc. which seems plausible, but not definite.

    Would love to write letters to British voters against Blair if someone can point a worthy replacement. I have never been much of a fan of the Tories.

  3. If we consider that the war in Iraq has been for democracy, Abu Ghraib is a win for Iraqi democracy. When an American Broadcasting company revealed the abuses and everyone in the US started to condemn those acts, it has been a big lesson for people who have lived with the similar situation for years and none of them could dare to ask the government for the faults.
    Of course it has been a loss for the US, but not in Iraq.

  4. kianoush: I don’t agree that Abu Ghraib is a win for Iraqi democracy. While Iraqis might have heard the condemnations, the actual abuses and abusers were closer to home. Plus the US government took the position that these were just isolated cases of a few bad apples at a very low level in the military when everyone knows that’s not the case.

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