Continuing on with the Ottawa impressions, it was quite cold there all week. This caused a problem as Michelle refused to wear a coat, hat, or mittens. In addition, Michelle’s gums were hurting and she was missing Amber who had to work long hours there. So Michelle went on a bottle strike. Because of this, we were only able to go sightseeing on Friday.
We walked around in downtown and wandered about the Byward Market, Rideau canal (which works as a skating rink in the winter), National war memorial etc. We also took a tour of the Parliament. We were the only non-Canadians in our tour group.
One thing we noticed in Ottawa was that there were lot of French Canadians there. When we had been to Canada last time, we didn’t meet any, but that was in Toronto.
Here are a few photographs.
As cities go, Ottawa looks rather attractive. The snow accents some of its architecture which, itself, possesses Old World charm.
First about my very dear and cute Poti (daughter of son because, in Urdu, daughter of daughter is Nwasee). Michelle is (masha Allah) a very well behaved infant. She was taken to a long journey and that of a frozen place at the wrong time for her as she was teething. Have anybody had the problem of teeth gum inflammation plus tooth ache ? Oh my Lord! one feels liking beating somebody and, if not possible, betting him/her self. With that Ambrin being away all the day. At time of pain even a young person remembers mother. What about infant who needs mother all the time.
A digression; I had seen a movie in my young age in which a middle-aged man, who left his parents in his youth influenced by his desires, came back home after 30 years to find his mother dead, kneels near her grave and sings,
“When I kneel by the side of my mother
As my evening prayer I recite
There O Lord make me child again
Just for tonight … …”
I do not remember the full lyric but I remember that everybody in the hall came out shedding tears. So dear have to be all mothers. I wish it to be true for the present materialistic world also.
Snow-bound Ottawa reminds me of my childhood. Nothing could be more beautiful than snow bound valleys and mountains of once my country Kashmir which now is stained everywhere with blood of innocent Muslims of Kashmir shed by the occupying Indian aggression armed forces. Over twenty seven years have passed when our family along with others was forced to migrate to Pakistan. I can neither forget the beautiful scenery of state Jammu and Kashmir nor the horrific scenes of killing of Muslims during 1947 by militants of Maha Sabah and Sevak Sang supported by Indian army.
Good ole Ottawa. Good to see you’re enjoying it. If there’s one thing Ottawa’s good for, it’s the fantastic landmarks just waiting to be photographed. Glad you got some of it here.
Captain Arrrgh: I liked the architecture. It reminds one of old colonial buildings in Pakistan.
Safiyyah: It was fun visiting. Would have liked to do more but such is life.
itex or webtex, i don’t know
I’m trying to subscribe to your RSS but I am having problems doing so. Is it because you don’t want people subscribing? I tried e-mailing you but that wouldn’t work either so I decide to leave a comment.
I like your blog but if you don’t have the time that’s fine.
Great pics! Thanks for sharing. What a great picture of Michelle She looks warm.
tyrone: What sort of problems were you having subscribing to my RSS feed or emailing me? I just checked both and they seem to be working.
renee: Thanks. You don’t know how much effort it took to get her to wear that jacket.
I noticed the large French Canadian population myself. I blogged about it, FWIW.
Randy: Thanks.