iTunes U and Podcasts

Specs listed the podcasts she listens to and Razib also mentioned a podcast recently, so I thought I should list the stuff I have been listening to on my iPhone and may be Razib and others can chime in with some suggestions.

Here’s my current list of podcasts:

In addition, here are some courses and lectures on iTunes U and as podcasts that I have been listening to or that are in my listening queue:

What do you recommend?

By Zack

Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer


  1. Historical Jesus sounds interesting. The rest are really nice specially the historical ones.

    I listen to a LOT of podcasts so an hour-long podcast doesn’t bother me, but I hope its interesting.

    You tried This American Life yet?

  2. Specs: An hour long podcast is likely to have a lot of fluff. I love BBC 4 podcasts because they are so packed with interesting information.

    I haven’t tried This American Life yet.

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