All About Eve

Great classic. Worth watching, if you haven’t already.

iPhone 3G

I bought an iPhone 3G a few months ago and have been in love with it.

Quantum of Solace

James Bond is one of a kind. I have watched most of the Bond movies and loved them all.


While late, here’s the account of our trip to Pakistan in October last year.

Darwin Day

Today is Darwin’s 200th birthday and in November will be the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species.

Dreams from My Father

I usually do not read autobiographies. Or books by politicians. But Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is an exception. First of all, it’s written by Barack Obama and was written before he got into politics. So it’s refreshingly honest. Secondly, Obama writes well, very well. Dreams from My Father is… Continue reading Dreams from My Father

Free At Last

Let’s hear how I got naturalized in the United States.

Into the Wild

This is a movie about a young college graduate whose alienation with his family and wanderlust get him to the Alaska wilderness.