For some strange reason, I remembered this poem by Urdu poet Amjad Islam Amjad late Saturday night. کبھی کبھی ان حبس بھری راتوں میں جب سب آوازیں سو جاتی ہیں آدھی نیند کی گھائل سی مدہوشی میں اک خواب انوکھا جاگتا ہے! میں دیکھتا ہوں گرد کی اس چادر سے اُدھر (جو میرے اُس کے… Continue reading کبھی کبھی
Month: January 2010
North Georgia Snake Run
Over the Christmas break, a friend was visiting and we decided to head to our usual haunts in North Georgia. We hiked part of the Appalachian trail from Woody Gap. In addition, we wanted to do our usual scenic drive through the Blue Ridge there. However, we realized that a good description of what Jim… Continue reading North Georgia Snake Run