
Blogging will be light until March 1 as I try to design a project for the VLSI class I TA and work on a research report due next friday.

Categorized as Life

Eenie, meenie, minie, moe

One learns new things every day. Via Eve Tushnet, I found out that two African-American women have sued Southwest Airlines. The reason is said to be the reciting of “Eenie, meenie, minie, moe; pick a seat, we gotta go.” This apparently has some racist history in the US. When we get around to having kids,… Continue reading Eenie, meenie, minie, moe

Categorized as Politics

Part of Pi

Our names are represented within the first 4 billion binary digits of pi (=3.14159…) if you encode the alphabet into 5-bit binary numbers. Here are the results: search string = “zack” 20-bit binary equivalent = 11010000010001101011 search string found at binary index = 1514694396 search string = “ajmal” 25-bit binary equivalent = 0000101010011010000101100 search string… Continue reading Part of Pi

Computer Languages

A reader Trevor Anderson of Volokh Conspiracy defends C and blasts Java, Ada and Pascal. There are other languages, sure, and they are not all bad, I suppose. Java is okay if your objects need to be oriented: it looks a lot like C and its working parts are written in C (I’d bet!), but… Continue reading Computer Languages

Smallpox Vaccinations

Virginia Postrel says: Speaking of immigrants, I can’t help wondering whether the estimates of how many (or rather, how few) Americans have been vaccinated against smallpox fully account for the immigrant population. I’ve noticed quite a few vaccination scars on the upper arms of relatively young Vietnamese manicurists. Jay Manifold says vaccinations are good for… Continue reading Smallpox Vaccinations

Categorized as Pakistan

Welcome, MSNBC Readers

I hope you like my weblog. Please look at the archives as well and visit again. Thanks, Will Femia of MSNBC Weblog Central for putting me on the Best of Blogs list. Here are some of my posts that you might be interested in reading: Political Islam and Pakistan Wahabis/Salafis (1, 2, and 3). Muslims,… Continue reading Welcome, MSNBC Readers

Categorized as Internet

Weekend Stuff

If you are wondering what I did over the weekend, wonder no more! On Friday, Amber and I went to Restaurant Serenade in Chatham, NJ for our Valentine’s day dinner. It’s a nice (and expensive) comtemporary French restaurant. The food was good, though I liked the food in France better. We also watched two movies… Continue reading Weekend Stuff


I arrived in Atlanta 3 hours late due to the snowstorm in the northeast. This might be the biggest storm I think since we started living in Jersey in 1999. I think the previous record for us was the 15 inches on Dec 30 (I forget the year 2000 or 2001). But I am missing… Continue reading Snowstorm

Categorized as Life

Going Home

I am going home for a Valentine’s day weekend. Blogging will be light.

Categorized as Life

Valentine Poem

Kieran Healy, posting from the future, has a neat poem from the blogger to his Valentine.