I have started reading Gilles Kepel’s book Jihad : The Trail of Political Islam”. It is an interesting book with a somewhat different viewpoint about political and militant Islam. Here are some excerpts about Maudoodi (for some background, read my earlier posts [1, 2]): By contrast with Egypt, where Nasser crushed the Muslim Brothers in… Continue reading Maudoodi: According to Kepel
Author: Zack
Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer
World Cup Cricket
It starts tomorrow in South Africa. Some of the games are in Zimbabwe which has created a few problems. England appealed to the International Cricket Conference (ICC) to move their match against Zimbabawe but failed. Also, New Zealand have refused to play Kenya in Nairobi, because of concerns over a bombing in Mombasa in November… Continue reading World Cup Cricket
Honor Killings: Continued
Al-Muhajabah has linked to a number of articles about the teachings of Islam against honor killing.
Additions to the Blog
I have added an RSS feed for my blog, thanks to David Janes of Janes’ blogosphere. You can also search the archives with the Google search box on the sidebar. Another addition is the list of books I am currently reading.
Taking Quran Out of Context
A Muslim under Progress had an interesting post of which I liked this snippet: The truth of the matter is that the Qur’an has been misused and abused by Muslims themselves. The dictionary approach to the Qur’an is our own doing. We can complain all we want when Daniel Pipes, or Malise Ruthven, or a… Continue reading Taking Quran Out of Context
Honor Killings: Miscellaneous Notes
I should probably add some thoughts to my previous post about honor killings. I should warn you however that this post will not have the moral clarity of the previous one; instead it will be a somewhat wishy-washy post. I wanted to post something about this topic immediately after Joe Katzman brought it to my… Continue reading Honor Killings: Miscellaneous Notes
Honor Killings
Joe Katzman of Winds of Change pointed me to a post by Adil Farooq (MuslimPundit) on their group weblog. Adil writes about the practice of honor killings of women in the Muslim world. In a remarkable book, Woman in the Muslim Unconscious, the Morroccan scholar Fatna Sabbah writes these daring words: “I would like to… Continue reading Honor Killings
Visits and Page Views
Yesterday I passed 5,000 page views and today crossed 4,000 unique visits. It has taken me about 2.5 months.
I really liked the “That’s Quite Interesting to Mo Rocca” on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Here are some quotes: “SUVs: They are big, they are bold and they consume ungodly amounts of fuel. In short, they embody America.” “Now you may say, yes the car is an improvement over the horse, but why… Continue reading SUVs
Democracy or Dictatorship
Zachary Latif recently wrote against democracy in the Muslim world: In fact one remains hopefully that there will be no significant upheaval within the Islamic Crescent since autocracy, in a convoluted way, is the one redeeming aspect of the Islamic Crescent. There is no need to consider the popular sentiment thus demagogues do not arise… Continue reading Democracy or Dictatorship