پاکستان میں اجنبی

میں پاکستان میں پیدا ہوا اور عمر کا ایک طویل عرصہ میں نے وہیں گزارا۔ پھر آج میں پاکستان میں اجنبی کیسے بن گیا؟ اس بار جب میں پاکستان گیا تو وہاں اپنے تو تھے مگر ملک اور شہر میں میں نے خود کو غیرملکی تصور کیا۔ شاید وقت نے مجھے بدل دیا ہے اور شاید پاکستان بھی آٹھ سال پہلے والا نہیں رہا۔

Batman Begins

Batman Begins is a great movie. Highly recommended. Rated 8/10. I expect a sequel soon.

Categorized as Movies

Blogspot Blocked in Pakistan

Pakistani bloggers are livid as blogspot has been blocked by the Pakistani government.

Urdu phpBB

We are making a public release of an Urdu translation of phpBB. It is more than a translation since we made some Unicode-related modifications to the core code and have included an on-screen keyboard for users.

Why I am Not a “Muslim”

A rant against the strange attitudes towards secularism, difference of opinion, Jews, human rights, etc.


Crash is about stereotypes and bigotry and rising about it. Best movie of 2005. I rate it 8/10.

Categorized as Movies

Jyllands-Posten Muhammad Cartoons

If you came here looking for my thoughts on the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad that Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper, published in September and that were republished in several other newspapers this year, you have come to the wrong place. I won’t consider getting upset over freaking cartoons.

Brass Crescent Awards 2005

The voting for the 2nd Brass Crescent Awards for the Islamic blogosphere has started. I am nominated for best blog. Go and vote.

Meme of Four

Another meme, this one about listing 4 jobs, movies, places, tv shows, websites, foods, etc.

Half A Million Visits

Yesterday, this weblog had its 500,000th visitor. This has happened in about 3 years and 2 months of this blog being public. I take stock by talking about the search queries getting people here, where the visitors are coming from, etc.

Categorized as Internet