I tested with 23andme in April 2010 and then upgraded to their version 3 chip with almost a million SNPs last Christmas. Now I am releasing my personal genome in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, Zack Ajmal has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Zack Ajmal 23andme v3… Continue reading Genome in the Wild
Author: Zack
Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer
Dodecad Oracle
Dodecad has come up with a new version (v3) of its admixture results. Here are my results: South Asian 37.4% West Asian 23.3% Mediterranean 9.8% West European 9.6% Southwest Asian 6.2% East European 3.5% Southeast Asian 2.4% East African 2.2% Northeast Asian 1.9% Northwest African 1.5% Neo African 1.1% Palaeo African 1.0% Dodecad also has… Continue reading Dodecad Oracle
We went to Nathiagali in the mountains (elevation: 7,900ft) to escape the heat in Islamabad. The weather was warm there but much nicer. We rode/hiked to Mushkpuri peak (elevation: 9,200ft) which was a lot of fun and had beautiful scenery. On our way back, we stopped in Bhurban.
Daman e Koh & Pir Sohawa
The almost seven year old wanted to hike up Margalla Hills but it was too hot. We drove up to Daman e Koh and then had dinner at Monal Restaurant in Pir Sohawa. Both places have a nice view of Islamabad.
Skiing in 95F
It wasn’t as hot today as earlier, but skiing and playing in the snow when it’s 95F (35C) outside is still fun.
Abu Dhabi
The Formula Rossa roller coaster was really fast and the Formula 1 simulation was a lot of fun too.
Burj Khalifa
Dubai: View Out the Window
Here’s the view out our window here in Dubai.
Hot, Hotter, Hottest
New Neighborhood, New Census
Eight years ago, I wrote about the census statistics for my neighborhood. In that time, I have moved around a bit, though I am back in metro Atlanta now. And there’s a new census out. So let’s look at the 2010 census data for my neighborhood/block. Only 2.7% of housing units in my block are… Continue reading New Neighborhood, New Census