23andme has a feature where you can find out how similar your genes are to your friends and family (who you are sharing with at the site). The result is a bar list with percentages showing similarity. The number next to each person in the bar list is a measure of similarity. Specifically, it is… Continue reading Genome Similarity
Author: Zack
Dad, gadget guy, bookworm, political animal, global nomad, cyclist, hiker, tennis player, photographer
My Biogeographical Ancestry
There are several different ways to figure out your genetic ancestry. One way that 23andme shows your ancestry is by comparison with reference populations of the HGDP (Human Genome Diversity Project) dataset. I have listed how similar I am to various groups in the table below: Reference Population Similarity Groups Included Central & South Asians… Continue reading My Biogeographical Ancestry
Ancestry Painting
23andme has a feature called ancestry painting which gives you the percentages of different populations you are admixed from. In my case, I got the following: European 91.22% Asian 8.69% African 0.09% Ignore the precision (to 2 decimal places). I showed that because I wanted to highlight the nonzero African ancestry percentage which I will… Continue reading Ancestry Painting
Harappa Ancestry Project Update
I have got 25 participants to the Harappa Ancestry Project now. But we still need more especially from the Hindi belt. I have been detailing the datasets I am using: HapMap Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP) Singapore Genome Variation Project Behar et al Data Xing et al Data Reference Dataset I Reference Dataset II I… Continue reading Harappa Ancestry Project Update
Paternal and Maternal Lines
We men inherit the Y chromosome from our fathers who got it from their fathers. So the Y chromosome can be used to trace your paternal lineage. Different sequences of alleles and mutations can be assigned to haplogroups where a haplogroup signifies common descent on the uniparental line. According to my 23andme results, I belong… Continue reading Paternal and Maternal Lines
I have found out I am actually from West Virginia. Ok, I am just joking. I knew that my family had a history of marriages among relatives. After all I have only 10 great-great-grandparents instead of the usual 16. With my genome in hand, I set about to quantify the inbreeding. First, I used David… Continue reading Inbreeding
Harappa Project New Site
As several people had asked, I have set up a separate website for the Harappa Ancestry Project at http://www.harappadna.org/. I am keeping a link to the new site on the top menu bar here titled Harappa DNA. I might also crosspost some items from the project here. I have also set up a Facebook page… Continue reading Harappa Project New Site
Harappa Ancestry Project
I have become interested (some would say obsessed) with genetics recently. I wrote about getting my DNA test done and there’s a lot more about my own results that I plan to bore you with. One fun application of genetic testing is inferring ancestry: Which ancestral group are you descended from? Can we estimate the… Continue reading Harappa Ancestry Project
I have been neglecting the blog again. On Sunday night and Monday, we got about 5 inches of snow here in Atlanta. That’s more than I have seen here in my 13 years. Then the temperature stayed below freezing until today. So it turned to ice. The roads here have been treacherous all week and… Continue reading Snowpocalypse
Personal Genomics: DNA Test
Last year in April, 23andme were having a sale for DNA Day, selling their 550,000 SNP test with ancestry and health information for $99 instead of its regular price of $499 at that time. So I decided to take the plunge and sent my spit from the East coast to the West to be analyzed.… Continue reading Personal Genomics: DNA Test