Ghost Brigades, Last Colony, Zoe’s Tale

I had read Old Man’s War some time ago and liked it. So when I was looking for some science fiction to buy for our trip to Italy, I got the sequels The Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony. As is common with sequels, whether of books or movies, they are not as good as… Continue reading Ghost Brigades, Last Colony, Zoe’s Tale

Italy Trip: Technical Note

Free maps from Open Street Maps in Garmin format as well as points of interest were really useful during our vacation in Italy.


I have finally got a Kindle and I like it despite some shortcomings.

The Dark Side

Jane Mayer’s book on the torture regime of the Bush administration is a must-read for anyone interested in politics, civil liberties, war on terror.

The Audacity of Hope

I read Obama’s book about his political program during the election and inauguration.

Dreams from My Father

I usually do not read autobiographies. Or books by politicians. But Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is an exception. First of all, it’s written by Barack Obama and was written before he got into politics. So it’s refreshingly honest. Secondly, Obama writes well, very well. Dreams from My Father is… Continue reading Dreams from My Father

Sun of Suns

A fun and quick read.

The Disunited States of America

An alternate history novel about an America in which the union didn’t happen and states are independent.


A murder mystery set in an alternate history where Britain made peace with Nazi Germany and the US never entered the war, this is a good, fun novel.

Old Man’s War

This first novel by John Scalzi is a gripping story of a 75 year old who joins the colonial army to help humans colonize space.