Trackback Problems

I have “Trackback Auto-discovery” switched on for my blog. It was working fine in automatically pinging the weblogs I referred to. But it is not working any more. It does not even find the URLs to ping. Specifically it did not let me ping The Poor Man in the previous post. Does anyone any ideas… Continue reading Trackback Problems

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The Poor Man at his best

The Poor Man is supposed to be on semi-vacation working on his thesis (like me), but he is at his funniest and snarkiest posting loads of material. I can excerpt it, so I am linking to all his recent posts. First, he makes fun of Republican whining over alleged prejudice and takes on the thin… Continue reading The Poor Man at his best

Salam Pax

Salam Pax was already a famous blogger. Then we heard that he’s becoming a columnist, writing biweekly for the Guardian starting this wednesday. And now Peter Maass tells us that Salam was his interpreter for a couple of weeks in Baghdad.

Publish your Credit card

Welcome to my Credit Card Details Why keep your credit card numbers to yourself, when you can let everyone see them? No other website will give you the chance to show everyone your credit card numbers (including your pin number) and to have a browse through other peoples. You may even see the details of… Continue reading Publish your Credit card

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Volokh Conspiracy

The Volokh Conspiracy has moved to Adjust your bookmarks accordingly.

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Haloscan Import

As Miranda noted in a comment to this post, Haloscan has an RSS/XML version of the most recent 10 comments available. If I save the XML file and then delete those comments, I’ll have the previous 10 comments and so on. Since I have 409 comments on Haloscan, I’ll have to repeat this process 41… Continue reading Haloscan Import

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MT Plugins

I have installed two Movable Type plugins. Smarty Pants shows curly quotes (“”), en-dashes (—), em dashes (—-) and ellipsis (…) to appear correctly. Textile makes text formatting much easier and also creates ™, ©, ® and the proper times symbol in 3×3. If you see any problems on how the blog looks on your… Continue reading MT Plugins

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Importing Comments

Checking Haloscan forums, I have found out that exporting comments from there is not possible (other than manually saving each comment, something only Jonathan has the patience for). However, according to them, This is currently impossible. It willl likely be coded in about a month from now but for now, exporting can’t be done. So,… Continue reading Importing Comments

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New Home

There will be no more postings on my Blogger-based weblog ( Please change your links and bookmarks to my Movable Type weblog at

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Weblog Move

The move seems to have mostly smoothly. Importing Blogger entries was not difficult. It helped that I used the bold tags for the post titles, otherwise editing the titles would have been a pain. I am working on categorizing the entries from Blogger, but right now most of them are classified under the category “Blogger”.… Continue reading Weblog Move

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