There was a great discussion about Islam and Traditionalism spanning several blogs. Please do follow the links and read it in full. There might be a quiz later. When I am less busy, I’ll pick up some of the threads here.
Category: Islam and Other Religions
خدا کا دیس نکالا
پاکستان میں عام طور سے اللہ کے لئے خدا کا لفظ استعمال ہوتا تھا۔ مگر کچھ سالوں سے ایک مہم چلی ہوئی ہے کہ خدا کو اردو زبان سے نکال دیا جائے۔ کچھ مسلمان چاہتے ہیں کہ ہم اللہ کا لفظ استعمال کریں اور انگریزی میں گاڈ اور اردو میں خدا کہنا چھوڑ دیں۔
Happy Easter
Happy Easter, everyone.
Happy Passover
Hag Sameach, readers. Tonight starts Passover celebrating the Jewish Exodus from Egypt.
عید میلاد النبی
آج عید میلاد النبی ہے۔ اس مبارک دن پر کراچی میں بم دھماکے سے ستاون افراد ہلاک ہو گئے ہیں۔
Culture and Real Islam
What is to blame? Islam or culture? Can they even be separated? Islam is what is practiced by Muslims and this varies by time, place and context.
Why I am Not a “Muslim”
A rant against the strange attitudes towards secularism, difference of opinion, Jews, human rights, etc.
Jyllands-Posten Muhammad Cartoons
If you came here looking for my thoughts on the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad that Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper, published in September and that were republished in several other newspapers this year, you have come to the wrong place. I won’t consider getting upset over freaking cartoons.
Brass Crescent Awards 2005
The voting for the 2nd Brass Crescent Awards for the Islamic blogosphere has started. I am nominated for best blog. Go and vote.
بکرا عید مبارک
آپ سب کوحج اور عید مبارک۔