Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for the lack of posts. Amber was here for the weekend and I have been really busy with work and stuff. I have a couple of Kashmir posts in the pipeline. Hopefully, I should post them in a day or two. In the meantime, here are a couple of interesting things to read. Via… Continue reading Busy Busy Busy

Imitation Fitness Blog

Inspired by Unqualified Offerings, I thought I would post about my fitness struggle. My problems are somewhat different than his. For one thing, weighing 166lbs and being 6ft tall means I don’t need to reduce my weight. My problems come from two sources: A life spent being underweight: I weighed 125lbs until my early 20s.… Continue reading Imitation Fitness Blog

Categorized as Life

I am Back

I am back from Jersey. It was such nice weather there today (except for the rain) and it’s so HOT in Atlanta. Our weekend was eventless, though we did wander around Long Island (the Hamptons specifically) and watched the movie Open Range.

Categorized as Life, Movies

Labor Day

I am going home for the long weekend. Amber has made me promise that I won’t surf the net while I am there, so no blogging until I return Monday.

Categorized as Life

Back in Atlanta

I am back in school as the fall semester starts today. For the first time in more than 3 years, I am car-less. Not the first time in my life though and I live on-campus, so lack of a car should not be a major problem. Whenever I return to school after being home for… Continue reading Back in Atlanta

Categorized as Life

World War II and Me

I forgot that yesterday was August 6: the day that the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Ampersand links to a couple of articles which seem to show that dropping nuclear bombs on Japan was not necessary to end the war. I don’t have an opinion on the matter since I don’t know enough to form… Continue reading World War II and Me

Home Now

Got home 11pm last night. It rained part of the way and I hate driving in the rain, especially at night. Anyway, rain’s got something for me since it has rained a majority of times I have gone camping. It also rains almost every time I drive between home and school. In fact, I think… Continue reading Home Now

Categorized as Life

Going Home

I am going to drive to Jersey tomorrow (thursday) for the break. I’ll be there for 2 weeks. If any readers in the NY/NJ area are interested in meeting for drinks or something, please let me know.

Categorized as Life

Grading Today

I will be busy grading final projects today. I hope to finish in one day today rather than the two it usually takes. Grading can be such a pain. UPDATE (7/29 6:25pm): Finally it’s finished.

Categorized as Life