Which Revolution Are You?

What revolution are You? Made by altern_active Via Randy McDonald.

Which American City Are You?

Las Vegas You Shine bright and partake in all the vices. You’d rather burn out then fade away. Take the quiz: “Which American City Are You?” Via Randy McDonald.

Newton’s Laws of Graduation

I read and cried. First Law: A grad student in procastination tends to stay in procastination unless an external force is applied to it. Second Law: The age, a, of a doctoral process is directly proportional to the flexibility, f, given by the advisor and inversely proportional to the student’s motivation m. Third Law: For… Continue reading Newton’s Laws of Graduation

Nauroz Mubarak

Happy Persian New Year to Kianoush and my Iranian readers.

Libertarian Purity

Via Brian’s Study Breaks, I scored 14 out of 160 on the Libertarian Purity Test. It seems not only am I unlikely to vote for the Libertarian party, I am in danger of being delinked by Unqualified Offerings. Deltoid has a list of blogger scores on this test.

This is Unacceptable

Do you think I should delink Max over this libelous post? Here’s the news story he’s talking about. You can take the test yourself here.

The Book Quiz

You’re Loosely Based! by Storey Clayton While most people haven’t heard of you, you’re a really good and interesting person. Rather clever and witty, you crack a lot of jokes about the world around you. You do have a serious side, however, where your interest covers the homeless and the inequalities of society. You’re good… Continue reading The Book Quiz

Which Lord of the Rings Character Are You?

Congratulations! You’re Haldir! Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? brought to you by Quizilla Via Sister Scorpion.


Welcome my Iranian roommate, Kianoush, to the blogworld. He has two weblogs, an English one and a Persian (Farsi) one. Also, I have updates to two posts: Israel: 1948 Transfer? Pakistan’s Nuclear Export

Which Enterprise Character Are You?

You’re T’Pol. You are very analytical and logical, as any good Vulcan is, but this makes you stick out like a sore thumb. You’re cold and calculated, but there’s a softer side to you that you tend to keep under wraps. Take the Enterprise Quiz! Brought to you by redanubis. Via Mythic Flow.