The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

This is a book-cum-movie review since I read “The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” not too long before the movie “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” came out. Both are highly recommended as they are very funny.

The Twilight Samurai

The Twilight Samurai is a very different samurai movie. I rate it 8/10.

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Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda is a moving film. I would rate it 9/10. Also I need books recommendations about the Rwandan genocide.

Garden State

I would rate the movie Garden State a 6/10.

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House of Sand and Fog

House of Sand and Fog was a sorta good movie. I would rate it 7/10.

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Having a baby means never getting to go to the theater. Collateral was the last movie we watched in the theater. The first half of the movie is very good but the later half is quite bad.

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Passion and Death of Jesus Christ: Comparing the Movie with the Gospels I

Some months ago, Zack and I watched the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. Zack wanted me to say a few words about the movie on the blog. I recently decided that late is better than never in this regard. So… In this first installment of my comparison between the movie and the Gospels, I… Continue reading Passion and Death of Jesus Christ: Comparing the Movie with the Gospels I

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Robots, Bourne, Sun and Windows

As Before Sunset ended, Amber exclaimed “that’s it?” It is a good movie about 2 people who meet after 9 years. The whole movie is basically those two talking with Paris in the background. It is a sequel to Before Sunrise which tells the story of those two characters meeting for the first time in… Continue reading Robots, Bourne, Sun and Windows

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Spider-Man 2, Fahrenheit 9/11 and More

Spider-Man 2 is the absolute greatest superhero movie. Spiderman was my favorite superhero as a kid and the two Spiderman movies capture the idea very well. I recommend it highly. Unqualified Offerings has quite a few posts about the movie, with his thoughts as well as links to other blogger reviews. I must warn you… Continue reading Spider-Man 2, Fahrenheit 9/11 and More

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Shrek, Global Warming and Wizards

Shrek 2 is definitely better than the first one. Lots of great laughs. We liked The Day After Tomorrow better than most other disaster movies. It is definitely overdone, but that is sort of a universal standard for disaster flicks. The special effects are pretty good. There is some interesting politics, like the reversal of… Continue reading Shrek, Global Warming and Wizards

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