
Aliens is a sequel to Alien. Watching these old movies again is fun. Both Alien and Aliens are great but the later sequels not so much.

I Am Legend

The movie starts off good but the ending is not fun at all. The book on which it is based has a much better ending. I rate it 6/10.


Alien is a good science fiction/horror movie from when I was growing up. It was fun to watch it again.

Pursuit of Happyness

A good movie about a father and a son who survive in homeless shelters while the father is going through a stockbroker internship.

No Country for Old Men

No Country for Old Men is a good movie with a strange, psychopathic villain. I liked it despite the last 15 minutes which felt like an hour or more.

The Third Man

This is a classic thriller set in post-WWII Vienna. Every movie buff should see it.


This is a movie about sending a man, suspected to be a terrorist, to another country so that he can be tortured. The practice of extraordinary rendition actually dates from the war on drugs. It’s a good movie, worth watching.

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore and the makers of the documentary do a great job in presenting the global warming issue. Highly recommended as it is about a very important issue of our times.

Taxi Driver

Another classic movie that we watched thanks to DVDs and Netflix. We liked it and rate it 8/10.


Stardust is a fantasy movie with romance, drama and a lot of comedy. While not exactly what we expected, I liked it.