Help the Displaced in Swat

Please consider helping the people displaced in Pakistan due to the fighting between the army and Taliban extremists.

Christmas Photos

Some photographs from Christmas lights and events around Georgia.

Raging Bull

It is a good movie by Martin Scorsese about the Bronx Bull, boxer Jake LaMotta.

Torture, Prosecution, CIA and Public

Torture is what keeps me up, it’s what’s on my mind. I am afraid that it’s a policy that while discarded now will return another day as the country is almost equally divided on its use.

The Tale of Despereaux

Michelle and I both loved this movie of a little brave mouse.

Taxi To the Dark Side

It’s a documentary about Dilawar, an Afghan taxi driver, who was tortured and murdered as well as the torture policies of the Bush administration. I provide a lot of links to information about torture.

Buy a House, Get a Green Card?

Some people are suggesting an immigration program “buy a house, get a green card” but I argue that their numbers are all wrong.

Homosexual Marriage: Civil Right of Self-Interest?

Are homosexuals asking for a privilege given only to heterosexuals, or are they asking for something denied to both groups?

Categorized as Politics

All About Eve

Great classic. Worth watching, if you haven’t already.

iPhone 3G

I bought an iPhone 3G a few months ago and have been in love with it.